Dump of file c:\Programme\HCE300B_APP\ApiLib\HCE300_API.dll File Type: DLL Section contains the following exports for HCE300_API.dll 00000000 characteristics 0 time date stamp Thu Jan 01 01:00:00 1970 0.00 version 1 ordinal base 14 number of functions 14 number of names ordinal hint RVA name 5 0 0005A51C HCE300_Break 13 1 0005B148 HCE300_Close 3 2 0005A514 HCE300_GetDeviceType 9 3 0005AFD8 HCE300_GetLastStatus 1 4 0005B2C8 HCE300_GetRecordFormat 2 5 0005B260 HCE300_GetTrack2Density 14 6 0005A52C HCE300_Open 11 7 0005A854 HCE300_Read 12 8 0005B174 HCE300_Reset 4 9 0005A4F0 HCE300_SetDeviceType 7 A 0005B268 HCE300_SetRecordFormat 6 B 0005A4D0 HCE300_SetShowDialog 8 C 0005B200 HCE300_SetTrack2Density 10 D 0005AC5C HCE300_Write Summary 1000 .edata 3000 .idata 6000 .reloc 1A000 .rsrc 2000 BSS 5B000 CODE 2000 DATA