use Benchmark 'cmpthese'; my $which = $ARGV[0] || 'short'; my $str = {'short' => "a very short one", 'long' => "alphabet X alphabet" x 100 . "junk at the end" x 10, 'shortspaces' => " asdfasdf fdsdsf a sdfa sdf 3432 324 ", }->{$which}; my $duration = 0; my $verify = 0; if ($ARGV[1] eq 'verify') { $duration = 1; $verify = 1; } cmpthese($duration, { last => sub { my $x = $str; $x =~ s/\s*$//; $method = "last"; print "$x|\n" if $verify; }, plus => sub { my $x = $str; $x =~ s/\s+$//; $method = "plus"; print "$x|\n" if $verify; }, rx_rx => sub { my $x = $str; $x =~ /.*\S/g and $x =~ s/\G.*//; $method = "rxrx"; print "$x|\n" if $verify; }, sexeger => sub { my $x = $str; ($x = reverse $x) =~ s/^\s+//; $x = reverse $x; $method = "sgxr"; print "$x|\n" if $verify; }, lookbehind => sub { my $x = $str; $x =~ s/.\K\s+$//; $method = "lkbd"; print "$x|\n" if $verify; }, detectregex => sub { my $x = $str; if ($x =~ /\s/){($x = reverse $x) =~ s/^\s+//; $x = reverse $x;} $method = "dtrs"; print "$x|\n" if $verify; }, detectsubstr => sub { my $x = $str; if (substr($x, -1) =~ /^\s/){($x = reverse $x) =~ s/^\s+//; $x = reverse $x;} $method = "dtss"; print "$x|\n" if $verify;\ }, }); __END__ ./test long ; ./test short ; ./test shortspaces Rate lookbehind last plus detectregex sexeger rx_rx detectsubstr lookbehind 750/s -- -5% -86% -97% -97% -99% -100% last 792/s 6% -- -85% -96% -97% -99% -100% plus 5322/s 610% 572% -- -76% -77% -92% -98% detectregex 21914/s 2823% 2666% 312% -- -6% -68% -93% sexeger 23287/s 3006% 2839% 338% 6% -- -66% -92% rx_rx 67557/s 8910% 8426% 1169% 208% 190% -- -78% detectsubstr 303483/s 40373% 38201% 5603% 1285% 1203% 349% -- Rate lookbehind last detectregex rx_rx plus sexeger detectsubstr lookbehind 81153/s -- -1% -54% -59% -67% -71% -83% last 81683/s 1% -- -54% -58% -66% -71% -83% detectregex 178253/s 120% 118% -- -9% -27% -37% -63% rx_rx 196768/s 142% 141% 10% -- -19% -30% -59% plus 243234/s 200% 198% 36% 24% -- -14% -50% sexeger 282994/s 249% 246% 59% 44% 16% -- -41% detectsubstr 481782/s 494% 490% 170% 145% 98% 70% -- Rate lookbehind last plus detectregex detectsubstr rx_rx sexeger lookbehind 35057/s -- -9% -72% -76% -77% -80% -83% last 38419/s 10% -- -69% -74% -74% -78% -82% plus 123667/s 253% 222% -- -15% -18% -30% -41% detectregex 145442/s 315% 279% 18% -- -3% -18% -31% detectsubstr 149917/s 328% 290% 21% 3% -- -15% -29% rx_rx 176362/s 403% 359% 43% 21% 18% -- -16% sexeger 210526/s 501% 448% 70% 45% 40% 19% --