#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; my $aref = [5,6,7,8]; print @$aref,"\n"; #5678 print "@$aref","\n"; #5 6 7 8 print scalar @$aref,"\n"; #4 print ''.@$aref,"\n"; #4 # using string concatenation in the last example # puts @$aref in a scalar context my $ref = [ [qw(a b c)], [qw(x y zzy)] ]; print ''.map{@$_}@$ref; #6 # $ref is a ref to an array of references # @$ref makes a list of those references # the map expands out each array ref into all of its elements # putting this into a scalar context reports the total number print @{$ref->[1]},"\n"; #xyzzy #basically, you need extra {} when a subscript is involved.