print $q->header; print $q->start_html; while (<*.pl>) { next if $_ eq ''; print "$_
"; $old = $_; open GET, $old; print "opening $old
"; $new = substr($old,0,(length $old) -2) . 'bak'; open PUT, ">$new"; print "opening $new
"; print PUT $_ while ; print "writing $old into $new
"; close GET; close PUT; print "closing $old and $new
"; open GET, "$new"; open PUT, ">$old"; print "reopening $old and $new
"; while () { $_ =~ s/c:\\perl\\bin\\perl/\/usr\/bin\/perl/; $_ =~ s/\("DBI:mysql:database=foo"\)/("DBI:mysql:database=foo","bar","baz")/; print PUT $_; } print "altering lines in $new and writing to $old
"; close GET; close PUT; print "closing $old and $new
"; $cnt = chmod 0755, $old; if ($cnt) { print "changing file permissions for $old
"; } else { print "cannot change file perms for $old
"; } print "
"; } print "DONE"; print $q->end_html;