#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use XML::Twig; my %trans = ( "t'i" =>'ти', "t'a" =>'тя', "t'u" =>'тю', "t'e" =>'те', #It continues like this for several hundred lines, this is just a snippet. So it just goes through all character combinations and turns the text to cyrillic. ); # Actual Translation Logic: my @signs = sort {length($b) <=> length($a)} keys %trans; @signs = map quotemeta($_), @signs; my $re = join '|', @signs, '.'; XML::Twig->new( twig_roots => { q{TIER[@LINGUISTIC_TYPE_REF='orthT' and @PARENT_REF='ref@S1' and @PARTICIPANT='S1' and @TIER_ID='orth@S1']/ANNOTATION/REF_ANNOTATION/ANNOTATION_VALUE} => sub { my $in= $_->text; #warn "called text: ", $_->text, "\n"; $in=~ s/($re)/exists($trans{$1}) ? $trans{$1} : $1/geo; $_->set_text( $in); $_->print; }, }, twig_print_outside_roots => 1, ) ->parsefile( 'in.xml');