WARNING: The sqrt and ** (pow) overloading is buggy on ActivePerl. (See the README file.) #### C:\sisyphusion\Math-LongDouble-0.22>perl Makefile.PL WARNING: The sqrt and ** (pow) overloading is buggy on ActivePerl. (See the README file.) Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good ... Detected uninstalled Perl. Trying to continue. Have \_64\active~1.28\lib Want \temp\activestate--------please-run-the-install-script--------\lib Warning (mostly harmless): No library found for -lm Warning (mostly harmless): No library found for -lmoldname Warning (mostly harmless): No library found for -lkernel32 Warning (mostly harmless): No library found for -luser32 Warning (mostly harmless): No library found for -lgdi32 Warning (mostly harmless): No library found for -lwinspool Warning (mostly harmless): No library found for -lcomdlg32 Warning (mostly harmless): No library found for -ladvapi32 Warning (mostly harmless): No library found for -lshell32 Warning (mostly harmless): No library found for -lole32 Warning (mostly harmless): No library found for -loleaut32 Warning (mostly harmless): No library found for -lnetapi32 Warning (mostly harmless): No library found for -luuid Warning (mostly harmless): No library found for -lws2_32 Warning (mostly harmless): No library found for -lmpr Warning (mostly harmless): No library found for -lwinmm Warning (mostly harmless): No library found for -lversion Warning (mostly harmless): No library found for -lodbc32 Warning (mostly harmless): No library found for -lodbccp32 Warning (mostly harmless): No library found for -lcomctl32 Failed to opendir 'C:\TEMP\ActiveState--------please-run-the-install-script--------\lib\CORE' to find header files: No such file or directory at C:/_64/ActiveState-5.28/site/lib/ExtUtils/MM_Any.pm line 3049. #### sub _warn { my($msg) = @_; unless (-t STDOUT) { print "\n$msg\n"; return; } require Win32::Console; .....