Win8 Strawberry (32) Sat 10/01/2022 19:44:07 C:\@Work\Perl\monks >perl use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dump qw(dd); # for debug use constant IGNORE => qr{ \A \s* (?: [#] .*)? \z }xms; my $text = <<'TEXT'; Regexes have been tAlKed about as being abstract for 1000's of years. TEXT print "before ---$text--- \n"; my $regex_replacement_string = <<'REGEX'; a 'A' i 'I' # comment line w/o leading spaces e 'E' # optional entry comment ^ [0-9] .*? \s ''# optional comment # comment line with leading spaces (?i) \S*? talk \S* \s ' SPOKEN ' REGEX my ($rx_search, @replacelist) = build_search($regex_replacement_string); dd $rx_search; # for debug dd \@replacelist; # for debug print "\n"; # for debug $text =~ s{ $rx_search }{$replacelist[$^R]}xmsg; print "after +++$text+++ \n"; sub build_search { my ($rx_replace_string, ) = @_; my $rx_sq_body = qr{ [^\\']* (?: \\. [^\\']*)* }xms; my $rx_comment_to_eol = qr{ [#] .* }xms; my @regexes; my @replacements; use re 'eval'; my @regexlist = split qr{ \s* \n }xms, $rx_replace_string; REGEX_REPLACEMENT: for my $rx_replace (@regexlist) { next REGEX_REPLACEMENT if $rx_replace =~ IGNORE; my $got_rx_replace = my ($rx, $replace) = $rx_replace =~ m{ \A \s* (.*?) \s* # everything before '-pair is regex ' ($rx_sq_body) ' \s* # capture body of '-pair $rx_comment_to_eol? # ignore optional trailing comment \s* \z }xms; die "bad regex/replacement '$rx_replace'" unless $got_rx_replace; my $n = @regexes; $rx = "$rx (?{ $n })"; push @regexes, qr{ $rx }xms; push @replacements, $replace; } # end for REGEX_REPLACEMENT my ($rx_combined) = map qr{ $_ }xms, join ' | ', @regexes; return $rx_combined, @replacements; } # end sub build_search() ^Z before ---Regexes have been tAlKed about as being abstract for 1000's of years. --- qr/ (?msx-i: a (?{ 0 }) ) | (?msx-i: i (?{ 1 }) ) | (?msx-i: e (?{ 2 }) ) | (?msx-i: ^ [0-9] .*? \s (?{ 3 }) ) | (?msx-i: (?i) \S*? talk \S* \s (?{ 4 }) ) /msx ["A", "I", "E", "", " SPOKEN "] after +++REgExEs hAvE bEEn SPOKEN About As bEIng AbstrAct for of yEArs. +++