# use 30-bits on 64-bit hw for cperl compatibility
my $half = ( ( log(~0 + 1) / log(2) ) >= 64 ) ? 30 : 16;
$ perl createblinker.pl 500000 -900000 100 >x.tmp 2>y.tmp
$ perl tbench1.pl x.tmp 2
mem size v5.26.0 v5.24.2 v5.22.4 cperl
infinite 7,548 MB 122 secs 119 secs 133 secs 116 secs
original 704 MB 167 secs 168 secs 180 secs 163 secs
improvements 744 MB 57 secs 57 secs 63 secs 54 secs
optimized i2 1,543 MB 38 secs 39 secs 40 secs 36 secs
2 nums into 1 1,510 MB 39 secs 40 secs 42 secs 37 secs
shorter impl 1,661 MB 40 secs 42 secs 44 secs 37 secs
mem size v5.26.0 v5.24.2 v5.22.4 cperl
optimized i2 1,326 MB 31 secs 32 secs 33 secs 30 secs
2 nums into 1 1,292 MB 33 secs 34 secs 35 secs 31 secs
shorter impl 1,443 MB 35 secs 36 secs 37 secs 31 secs
package Organism;
use strict;
# use warnings;
sub count {
return scalar keys %{ shift->{Cells} };
# Input a list of [ x, y ] coords
sub insert_cells {
my $cells = shift->{Cells};
for my $r (@_) { $cells->{ pack 'i2', @{$r} } = undef }
# Return sorted list of cells in the Organism.
# Used for verification and testing the state of the organism.
sub get_live_cells {
sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] || $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] }
map { [ unpack 'i2', $_ ] }
keys %{ shift->{Cells} };
sub tick {
my $self = shift;
my $cells = $self->{Cells};
my ( $k1, $k2, $k3, $k4, $k5, $k6, $k7, $k8,
$x0, $x1, $x2, $y0, $y1, $y2, %new_cells, %dead_cells );
for my $c (keys %{ $cells }) {
# Get the (up to 8) dead cells surrounding the cell
( $x0, $y0 ) = unpack 'i2', $c;
( $x1, $x2, $y1, $y2 ) = ( $x0 - 1, $x0 + 1, $y0 - 1, $y0 + 1 );
my @zcells = (
($k1 = pack 'i2', $x1, $y1) x !(exists $cells->{$k1}),
($k2 = pack 'i2', $x1, $y0) x !(exists $cells->{$k2}),
($k3 = pack 'i2', $x1, $y2) x !(exists $cells->{$k3}),
($k4 = pack 'i2', $x0, $y1) x !(exists $cells->{$k4}),
($k5 = pack 'i2', $x0, $y2) x !(exists $cells->{$k5}),
($k6 = pack 'i2', $x2, $y1) x !(exists $cells->{$k6}),
($k7 = pack 'i2', $x2, $y0) x !(exists $cells->{$k7}),
($k8 = pack 'i2', $x2, $y2) x !(exists $cells->{$k8}) );
# Check the live cell
# Note: next line equivalent to nlive == 2 || nlive == 3
@zcells == 5 || @zcells == 6 and $new_cells{$c} = undef;
# Check the dead cells
for my $z ( @zcells ) {
$new_cells{$z} = undef if ++$dead_cells{$z} == 3;
$self->{Cells} = \%new_cells;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my %init_self = ( Cells => {} );
bless \%init_self, $class;