#Life 1.06 -3 -7 -4 -6 -2 -6 -3 -5 4 3 2 4 4 4 1 5 2 5 4 5 0 7 1 7 2 7 #### // grid.h. // Organism class using a simple grid of tiles #ifndef ORGANISM_H #define ORGANISM_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Make GCC __builtin_popcountll available with MSVC // (used to calculate the Hamming weight efficiently) #ifdef _MSC_VER #include #define __builtin_popcountll __popcnt64 #define __builtin_popcount __popcnt #endif static_assert(sizeof(size_t) == sizeof(int64_t), "size_t too small, need a 64-bit compile"); // CELL typedef int32_t cell_coord_type; typedef uint64_t cell_whole_type; typedef int64_t cell_signed_whole_type; #define XX(w) ((cell_coord_type)(w)) #define YY(w) ((cell_coord_type)(((w) >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF)) #define WW(x, y) (((cell_signed_whole_type)(y) << 32) | ((cell_signed_whole_type)(x) & 0xFFFFFFFF)) struct Cell { cell_coord_type x; cell_coord_type y; Cell(cell_coord_type x_, cell_coord_type y_) : x(x_), y(y_) {} Cell(cell_whole_type w) : x(XX(w)), y(YY(w)) {} }; inline bool operator<(const Cell& lhs, const Cell& rhs) { if (lhs.x < rhs.x) return true; if (lhs.x > rhs.x) return false; return lhs.y < rhs.y; // ... or one-liner: return lhs.x < rhs.x || (lhs.x == rhs.x && lhs.y < rhs.y); } inline bool operator>( const Cell& lhs, const Cell& rhs) { return rhs < lhs; } inline bool operator<=(const Cell& lhs, const Cell& rhs) { return !(lhs > rhs); } inline bool operator>=(const Cell& lhs, const Cell& rhs) { return !(lhs < rhs); } inline bool operator==(const Cell& lhs, const Cell& rhs) { return lhs.x == rhs.x && lhs.y == rhs.y; } inline bool operator!=(const Cell& lhs, const Cell& rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); } using cell_list_type = std::vector; // ----------------------------------------------------------- // SQUARE TILE // Set TILE_SIZE_FULL to either 32 or 64 #define TILE_SIZE_FULL 64 #if TILE_SIZE_FULL == 64 typedef uint64_t uintsq_t; #define BM_POPCOUNT __builtin_popcountll #define BM_MIDDLE 0x3ffffffffffffffcull #define BM_LEFT 0xfffffffffffffffcull #define BM_RIGHT 0x3fffffffffffffffull #define BM_OUTER 0xc000000000000003ull #define BM_LEFTMIDDLE 0x3000000000000000ull #define BM_RIGHTMIDDLE 0x000000000000000cull #elif TILE_SIZE_FULL == 32 typedef uint32_t uintsq_t; #define BM_POPCOUNT __builtin_popcount #define BM_MIDDLE 0x3ffffffc #define BM_LEFT 0xfffffffc #define BM_RIGHT 0x3fffffff #define BM_OUTER 0xc0000003 #define BM_LEFTMIDDLE 0x30000000 #define BM_RIGHTMIDDLE 0x0000000c #else #error "invalid TILE_SIZE_FULL" #endif #define BORDER_WIDTH 2 #define BORDER_WIDTH_P1 (BORDER_WIDTH + 1) #define TILE_SIZE_FULL_M1 (TILE_SIZE_FULL - 1) #define TILE_SIZE_MBD (TILE_SIZE_FULL - BORDER_WIDTH) #define TILE_SIZE_MBD_M1 (TILE_SIZE_MBD - 1) #define TILE_SIZE_CORE (TILE_SIZE_FULL - 2 * BORDER_WIDTH) #define TILE_SIZE_CORE_P1 (TILE_SIZE_CORE + 1) // Neighbours are numbered clockwise starting with the one directly above #define NUM_NEIGH 8 #define NEIGH_TOP 0 #define NEIGH_TOP_RIGHT 1 #define NEIGH_RIGHT 2 #define NEIGH_BOTTOM_RIGHT 3 #define NEIGH_BOTTOM 4 #define NEIGH_BOTTOM_LEFT 5 #define NEIGH_LEFT 6 #define NEIGH_TOP_LEFT 7 #define NEIGH_BIT(i) (1 << (i)) #define IS_NEIGH(n, i) ((n) & NEIGH_BIT(i)) // Note: i ^ 4 trick sets NEIGH flag to the opposite one: // 0 > 4 (TOP > BOTTOM) // 1 > 5 (TOP RIGHT > BOTTOM LEFT) // 2 > 6 (RIGHT > LEFT) // 3 > 7 (BOTTOM RIGHT > TOP LEFT) // 4 > 0 (BOTTOM > TOP) // 5 > 1 (BOTTOM LEFT > TOP RIGHT) // 6 > 2 (LEFT > RIGHT) // 7 > 3 (TOP LEFT > BOTTOM RIGHT) // Note: mapping of x (cell) to tx (tile) is: // x tx // ---------- -- // ... // -121..-180 -3 // -61..-120 -2 // -1..-60 -1 // 0.. 59 0 // 60..119 1 // 120..179 2 // ... // Ditto for y (cell) to ty (tile). // Converse of get_tile_coords() // Given tx/ty and ix/iy return x/y the cell coordinate #define GET_CELL_COORD(tx, ix) (TILE_SIZE_CORE * (tx) + (ix) - BORDER_WIDTH) // Input cell (x, y). Return (tx, ty, ix, iy) // (tx, ty) : Tile coords // (ix, iy) : x, y coords inside tile static void get_tile_coords( cell_coord_type x, cell_coord_type y, cell_coord_type& tx, cell_coord_type& ty, cell_coord_type& ix, cell_coord_type& iy ) { cell_coord_type ox = x % TILE_SIZE_CORE; if (ox < 0) ox += TILE_SIZE_CORE; tx = (x - ox) / TILE_SIZE_CORE; ix = ox + BORDER_WIDTH; cell_coord_type oy = y % TILE_SIZE_CORE; if (oy < 0) oy += TILE_SIZE_CORE; ty = (y - oy) / TILE_SIZE_CORE; iy = oy + BORDER_WIDTH; } // A simple square tile bitmap (64 x 64 or 32 x 32) // x and y must be in 0..TILE_SIZE_FULL_M1 range // Cell value in row[] bitmap is 0 (dead) or 1 (alive) struct SqTile { uintsq_t row[TILE_SIZE_FULL]; SqTile() { memset(row, 0, sizeof(row)); } int getcellval(int x, int y) const { uintsq_t mask = (uintsq_t)1 << (TILE_SIZE_FULL_M1 - x); return row[y] & mask ? 1 : 0; } void setcellval(int x, int y, int v) { uintsq_t mask = (uintsq_t)1 << (TILE_SIZE_FULL_M1 - x); if (v) { row[y] |= mask; } else { row[y] &= ~mask; } } // Used to initialize starting state void insertcells(const cell_list_type& cells) { for (const auto& c : cells) setcellval(c.x, c.y, 1); } // Used for verification and testing uintsq_t count() const { uintsq_t cnt = 0; for (int y = 0; y < TILE_SIZE_FULL; ++y) { if (!row[y]) continue; cnt += BM_POPCOUNT(row[y]); } return cnt; } // Used for verification and testing cell_list_type getlivecells() const { cell_list_type cells; for (int y = 0; y < TILE_SIZE_FULL; ++y) { if (!row[y]) continue; for (int x = 0; x < TILE_SIZE_FULL; ++x) { if (getcellval(x, y)) { cells.push_back(Cell(x, y)); } } } std::sort(cells.begin(), cells.end()); return cells; } // Advance the interior of square tile by one tick. // Return 1 if square tile changed, else 0. // neigh is an out parameter containing update flags // of the eight neighbours of this square tile. int tiletick(int& neigh) { neigh = 0; uintsq_t bigdiff = 0; uintsq_t carry[TILE_SIZE_FULL]; uintsq_t parity[TILE_SIZE_FULL]; uintsq_t diff[TILE_SIZE_FULL]; memset(carry, 0, sizeof(carry)); memset(parity, 0, sizeof(parity)); memset(diff, 0, sizeof(diff)); uintsq_t aa, bb, p, q, r, s, bit0, bit1, bit2; int top = 0; int bottom = TILE_SIZE_FULL_M1; while (top < TILE_SIZE_FULL_M1 && row[top] == 0) ++top; while (bottom > 0 && row[bottom] == 0) --bottom; if (top > bottom) return 0; for (int i = top; i <= bottom; ++i) { aa = row[i] >> 1; bb = row[i] << 1; q = aa ^ bb; parity[i] = q ^ row[i]; carry[i] = (q & row[i]) | (aa & bb); } --top; ++bottom; if (top < 1) top = 1; if (bottom > TILE_SIZE_MBD) bottom = TILE_SIZE_MBD; for (int i = top; i <= bottom; ++i) { aa = parity[i-1]; bb = parity[i+1]; q = aa ^ bb; bit0 = q ^ parity[i]; r = (q & parity[i]) | (aa & bb); aa = carry[i-1]; bb = carry[i+1]; q = aa ^ bb; p = q ^ carry[i]; s = (q & carry[i]) | (aa & bb); bit1 = p ^ r; bit2 = s ^ (p & r); p = (bit0 & bit1 & ~bit2) | (bit2 & ~bit1 & ~bit0 & row[i]); diff[i] = (row[i] ^ p) & BM_MIDDLE; bigdiff |= diff[i]; row[i] = (p & BM_MIDDLE) | (row[i] & ~BM_MIDDLE); } aa = diff[BORDER_WIDTH] | diff[BORDER_WIDTH_P1]; bb = diff[TILE_SIZE_CORE] | diff[TILE_SIZE_CORE_P1]; if (bigdiff) { if (bigdiff & BM_LEFTMIDDLE) neigh |= NEIGH_BIT(NEIGH_LEFT); if (bigdiff & BM_RIGHTMIDDLE) neigh |= NEIGH_BIT(NEIGH_RIGHT); } if (aa) { neigh |= NEIGH_BIT(NEIGH_TOP); if (aa & BM_LEFTMIDDLE) neigh |= NEIGH_BIT(NEIGH_TOP_LEFT); if (aa & BM_RIGHTMIDDLE) neigh |= NEIGH_BIT(NEIGH_TOP_RIGHT); } if (bb) { neigh |= NEIGH_BIT(NEIGH_BOTTOM); if (bb & BM_LEFTMIDDLE) neigh |= NEIGH_BIT(NEIGH_BOTTOM_LEFT); if (bb & BM_RIGHTMIDDLE) neigh |= NEIGH_BIT(NEIGH_BOTTOM_RIGHT); } return (bigdiff != 0) ? 1 : 0; } }; // A more complex square tile. struct SquareTile { SquareTile() = default; SqTile sq; cell_coord_type tx; cell_coord_type ty; int updateflags; struct SquareTile* neighbours[NUM_NEIGH]; }; struct TileHasher { size_t operator()(cell_whole_type w) const { return w; } }; using tile_map_type = std::unordered_map; // ----------------------------------------------------------- // ORGANISM class Organism { public: size_t count() const { size_t cnt = 0; for (const auto& tt : tiles_m) { const SquareTile& sqt = tt.second; for (int iy = BORDER_WIDTH; iy <= TILE_SIZE_MBD_M1; ++iy) { if (!sqt.sq.row[iy]) continue; cnt += BM_POPCOUNT(sqt.sq.row[iy] & BM_MIDDLE); } } return cnt; } // Used to initialize the starting state of the organism void insert_cells(const cell_list_type& cells) { for (const auto& c : cells) setcell(c.x, c.y, 1); } // Used for verification and testing the state of the organism cell_list_type get_live_cells() const { cell_list_type cells; for (const auto& tt : tiles_m) { const SquareTile& sqt = tt.second; for (int iy = BORDER_WIDTH; iy <= TILE_SIZE_MBD_M1; ++iy) { if (!sqt.sq.row[iy]) continue; for (int ix = BORDER_WIDTH; ix <= TILE_SIZE_MBD_M1; ++ix) { if (sqt.sq.getcellval(ix, iy)) { cells.push_back(Cell( GET_CELL_COORD(sqt.tx, ix), GET_CELL_COORD(sqt.ty, iy) )); } } } } std::sort(cells.begin(), cells.end()); return cells; } SquareTile* get_neighbour(SquareTile* sqt, int i) { if (!sqt->neighbours[i]) { cell_coord_type x = sqt->tx; cell_coord_type y = sqt->ty; if (i >= NEIGH_TOP_RIGHT && i <= NEIGH_BOTTOM_RIGHT) ++x; if (i >= NEIGH_BOTTOM_RIGHT && i <= NEIGH_BOTTOM_LEFT) ++y; if (i >= NEIGH_BOTTOM_LEFT && i <= NEIGH_TOP_LEFT) --x; if (i == NEIGH_TOP_LEFT || i <= NEIGH_TOP_RIGHT) --y; // Note: next line creates a new entry in tiles_m[] // if the key does not already exist sqt->neighbours[i] = &tiles_m[WW(x, y)]; sqt->neighbours[i]->tx = x; sqt->neighbours[i]->ty = y; } return sqt->neighbours[i]; } // Alert the neighbour that its neighbour (the original tile) has changed void update_neighbour(SquareTile* sqt, int i) { if (get_neighbour(sqt, i)->updateflags == 0) modified_m.push_back(get_neighbour(sqt, i)); get_neighbour(sqt, i)->updateflags |= NEIGH_BIT(i ^ 4); } // Update the relevant portions of the boundary (a 64-by-64 square // with the central 60-by-60 square removed) by copying data from // the interiors (the 60-by-60 central squares) of the neighbours. // Only perform this copying when necessary. // Note: alternatively: 32-by-32 with central 28-by-28. void update_boundary(SquareTile* sqt) { if (sqt->updateflags & NEIGH_BIT(NEIGH_TOP)) { SquareTile* n = get_neighbour(sqt, NEIGH_TOP); sqt->sq.row[0] = (n->sq.row[TILE_SIZE_CORE] & BM_MIDDLE) | (sqt->sq.row[0] & BM_OUTER); sqt->sq.row[1] = (n->sq.row[TILE_SIZE_CORE_P1] & BM_MIDDLE) | (sqt->sq.row[1] & BM_OUTER); } if (sqt->updateflags & NEIGH_BIT(NEIGH_TOP_LEFT)) { SquareTile* n = get_neighbour(sqt, NEIGH_TOP_LEFT); sqt->sq.row[0] = ((n->sq.row[TILE_SIZE_CORE] & BM_MIDDLE) << TILE_SIZE_CORE) | (sqt->sq.row[0] & BM_RIGHT); sqt->sq.row[1] = ((n->sq.row[TILE_SIZE_CORE_P1] & BM_MIDDLE) << TILE_SIZE_CORE) | (sqt->sq.row[1] & BM_RIGHT); } if (sqt->updateflags & NEIGH_BIT(NEIGH_TOP_RIGHT)) { SquareTile* n = get_neighbour(sqt, NEIGH_TOP_RIGHT); sqt->sq.row[0] = ((n->sq.row[TILE_SIZE_CORE] & BM_MIDDLE) >> TILE_SIZE_CORE) | (sqt->sq.row[0] & BM_LEFT); sqt->sq.row[1] = ((n->sq.row[TILE_SIZE_CORE_P1] & BM_MIDDLE) >> TILE_SIZE_CORE) | (sqt->sq.row[1] & BM_LEFT); } if (sqt->updateflags & NEIGH_BIT(NEIGH_BOTTOM)) { SquareTile* n = get_neighbour(sqt, NEIGH_BOTTOM); sqt->sq.row[TILE_SIZE_MBD] = (n->sq.row[BORDER_WIDTH] & BM_MIDDLE) | (sqt->sq.row[TILE_SIZE_MBD] & BM_OUTER); sqt->sq.row[TILE_SIZE_FULL_M1] = (n->sq.row[3] & BM_MIDDLE) | (sqt->sq.row[TILE_SIZE_FULL_M1] & BM_OUTER); } if (sqt->updateflags & NEIGH_BIT(NEIGH_BOTTOM_LEFT)) { SquareTile* n = get_neighbour(sqt, NEIGH_BOTTOM_LEFT); sqt->sq.row[TILE_SIZE_MBD] = ((n->sq.row[BORDER_WIDTH] & BM_MIDDLE) << TILE_SIZE_CORE) | (sqt->sq.row[TILE_SIZE_MBD] & BM_RIGHT); sqt->sq.row[TILE_SIZE_FULL_M1] = ((n->sq.row[3] & BM_MIDDLE) << TILE_SIZE_CORE) | (sqt->sq.row[TILE_SIZE_FULL_M1] & BM_RIGHT); } if (sqt->updateflags & NEIGH_BIT(NEIGH_BOTTOM_RIGHT)) { SquareTile* n = get_neighbour(sqt, NEIGH_BOTTOM_RIGHT); sqt->sq.row[TILE_SIZE_MBD] = ((n->sq.row[BORDER_WIDTH] & BM_MIDDLE) >> TILE_SIZE_CORE) | (sqt->sq.row[TILE_SIZE_MBD] & BM_LEFT); sqt->sq.row[TILE_SIZE_FULL_M1] = ((n->sq.row[3] & BM_MIDDLE) >> TILE_SIZE_CORE) | (sqt->sq.row[TILE_SIZE_FULL_M1] & BM_LEFT); } if (sqt->updateflags & NEIGH_BIT(NEIGH_LEFT)) { SquareTile* n = get_neighbour(sqt, NEIGH_LEFT); for (int i = BORDER_WIDTH; i < TILE_SIZE_MBD; ++i) { sqt->sq.row[i] = ((n->sq.row[i] & BM_MIDDLE) << TILE_SIZE_CORE) | (sqt->sq.row[i] & BM_RIGHT); } } if (sqt->updateflags & NEIGH_BIT(NEIGH_RIGHT)) { SquareTile* n = get_neighbour(sqt, NEIGH_RIGHT); for (int i = BORDER_WIDTH; i < TILE_SIZE_MBD; ++i) { sqt->sq.row[i] = ((n->sq.row[i] & BM_MIDDLE) >> TILE_SIZE_CORE) | (sqt->sq.row[i] & BM_LEFT); } } sqt->updateflags = 0; temp_modified_m.push_back(sqt); } // Advance the interior of the tile by one generation. void update_tile(SquareTile* sqt) { int neigh; int update_flag = sqt->sq.tiletick(neigh); if (update_flag) { if (sqt->updateflags == 0) modified_m.push_back(sqt); sqt->updateflags |= NEIGH_BIT(NUM_NEIGH); } for (int i = 0; i < NUM_NEIGH; ++i) { if (neigh & NEIGH_BIT(i)) update_neighbour(sqt, i); } } void tick() { while (!modified_m.empty()) { update_boundary(modified_m.back()); modified_m.pop_back(); } while (!temp_modified_m.empty()) { update_tile(temp_modified_m.back()); temp_modified_m.pop_back(); } } void updatecell(SquareTile* sqt, cell_coord_type x, cell_coord_type y) { if (sqt->updateflags == 0) modified_m.push_back(sqt); sqt->updateflags |= NEIGH_BIT(NUM_NEIGH); if (y <= BORDER_WIDTH_P1) update_neighbour(sqt, NEIGH_TOP); if (y >= TILE_SIZE_CORE) update_neighbour(sqt, NEIGH_BOTTOM); if (x <= BORDER_WIDTH_P1) { update_neighbour(sqt, NEIGH_LEFT); if (y <= BORDER_WIDTH_P1) update_neighbour(sqt, NEIGH_TOP_LEFT); if (y >= TILE_SIZE_CORE) update_neighbour(sqt, NEIGH_BOTTOM_LEFT); } if (x >= TILE_SIZE_CORE) { update_neighbour(sqt, NEIGH_RIGHT); if (y <= BORDER_WIDTH_P1) update_neighbour(sqt, NEIGH_TOP_RIGHT); if (y >= TILE_SIZE_CORE) update_neighbour(sqt, NEIGH_BOTTOM_RIGHT); } } void setcell(cell_coord_type x, cell_coord_type y, int state) { cell_coord_type tx, ty, ix, iy; get_tile_coords(x, y, tx, ty, ix, iy); // Note: next line creates a new entry in tiles_m[] // if the key does not already exist SquareTile* sqt = &tiles_m[WW(tx, ty)]; sqt->tx = tx; sqt->ty = ty; sqt->sq.setcellval(ix, iy, state); updatecell(sqt, ix, iy); } int getcellval(cell_coord_type x, cell_coord_type y) const { cell_coord_type tx, ty, ix, iy; get_tile_coords(x, y, tx, ty, ix, iy); auto kk = tiles_m.find(WW(tx, ty)); if (kk == tiles_m.end()) { return 0; } return kk->second.sq.getcellval(ix, iy); } private: tile_map_type tiles_m; std::vector modified_m; std::vector temp_modified_m; }; #endif #### // tbench1.cpp. Simple benchmark of Organism class. // // g++ compile on Linux: // g++ -o tbench1 -std=c++11 -Wall -O3 tbench1.cpp // Note: the g++ command above also works with mingw C++ compiler (https://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64) // that comes bundled with Strawberry Perl (C:\Strawberry\c\bin\g++.exe) // // MSVC 2017 compile on Windows, start a 64-bit compiler cmdline via: // Start > AllApps > Visual Studio 2017 > x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS2017 // then: // cl /W3 /MT /Ox /EHsc tbench1.cpp #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "grid.h" static bool is_file_exist(const char *fname) { std::ifstream infile(fname); return infile.good(); } static Cell read_cell(const std::string& str) { cell_coord_type x, y; std::istringstream iss(str); iss >> x; iss >> y; return Cell(x, y); } // Reads a Life 1.06 text file static cell_list_type read_cells_106(const char* fname) { cell_list_type cells; std::ifstream cellfile(fname); if (!cellfile) { std::cerr << "Error opening '" << fname << "'\n"; return cells; } for (std::string line; std::getline(cellfile, line); ) { if (line.empty()) continue; // ignore blank lines if (line[0] == '#') continue; // ignore comment lines cells.push_back(read_cell(line)); } return cells; } static void RunTest(const char* fname, int nticks, int niter) { cell_list_type initial_cells = read_cells_106(fname); size_t n_init = initial_cells.size(); size_t ncells; std::cout << "run " << niter << " iterations of " << nticks << " ticks\n"; time_t tstart = ::time(NULL); for (int i = 1; i <= niter; ++i) { Organism org; org.insert_cells(initial_cells); ncells = org.count(); // if (ncells != n_init) { std::cout << "oops\n"; } std::cout << i << " cell count at start = " << n_init << "---\n"; for (int j = 1; j <= nticks; ++j) { org.tick(); } ncells = org.count(); std::cout << i << " cell count at end = " << ncells << "\n"; } time_t tend = ::time(NULL); long time_total = static_cast(::difftime(tend, tstart) + 0.5); double time_ave = (double)time_total / (double)niter; std::cout << "total time taken " << time_total << " secs\n"; std::cout << "time per run " << time_ave << " secs\n"; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc != 4) { std::cerr << "usage: tbench1 file nticks niter\n"; return 1; } const char* fname = argv[1]; if (!is_file_exist(fname)) { std::cerr << "File '" << fname << "' does not exist\n"; return 1; } int nticks = ::atoi(argv[2]); if (nticks <= 0) { std::cerr << "'" << argv[2] << "'" << " invalid nticks\n"; return 1; } int niter = ::atoi(argv[3]); if (niter <= 0) { std::cerr << "'" << argv[3] << "'" << " invalid niter\n"; return 1; } RunTest(fname, nticks, niter); return 0; } #### // grid.h. // Organism class using a simple grid of tiles #ifndef ORGANISM_H #define ORGANISM_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Uncomment next line to use Howard Hinnant Short Allocator // #define USE_HOWARDH_ALLOC_L 1 #ifdef USE_HOWARDH_ALLOC_L #include "short_alloc.h" #endif // Make GCC __builtin_popcountll available with MSVC // (used to calculate the Hamming weight efficiently) #ifdef _MSC_VER #include #define __builtin_popcountll __popcnt64 #define __builtin_popcount __popcnt #endif static_assert(sizeof(size_t) == sizeof(int64_t), "size_t too small, need a 64-bit compile"); // CELL typedef int32_t cell_coord_type; typedef uint64_t cell_whole_type; typedef int64_t cell_signed_whole_type; #if 0 #define XX(w) ((cell_coord_type)(w)) #define YY(w) ((cell_coord_type)(((w) >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF)) #define WW(x, y) (((cell_signed_whole_type)(y) << 32) | ((cell_signed_whole_type)(x) & 0xFFFFFFFF)) #else #define XX(w) ((cell_coord_type)(((w) >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF)) #define YY(w) ((cell_coord_type)(w)) #define WW(x, y) (((cell_signed_whole_type)(x) << 32) | ((cell_signed_whole_type)(y) & 0xFFFFFFFF)) #endif struct Cell { cell_coord_type x; cell_coord_type y; Cell(cell_coord_type x_, cell_coord_type y_) : x(x_), y(y_) {} Cell(cell_whole_type w) : x(XX(w)), y(YY(w)) {} }; inline bool operator<(const Cell& lhs, const Cell& rhs) { if (lhs.x < rhs.x) return true; if (lhs.x > rhs.x) return false; return lhs.y < rhs.y; // ... or one-liner: return lhs.x < rhs.x || (lhs.x == rhs.x && lhs.y < rhs.y); } inline bool operator>( const Cell& lhs, const Cell& rhs) { return rhs < lhs; } inline bool operator<=(const Cell& lhs, const Cell& rhs) { return !(lhs > rhs); } inline bool operator>=(const Cell& lhs, const Cell& rhs) { return !(lhs < rhs); } inline bool operator==(const Cell& lhs, const Cell& rhs) { return lhs.x == rhs.x && lhs.y == rhs.y; } inline bool operator!=(const Cell& lhs, const Cell& rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); } using cell_list_type = std::vector; // ----------------------------------------------------------- // SQUARE TILE // Set TILE_SIZE_FULL to either 32 or 64 #define TILE_SIZE_FULL 64 #if TILE_SIZE_FULL == 64 typedef uint64_t uintsq_t; #define BM_POPCOUNT __builtin_popcountll #define BM_MIDDLE 0x3ffffffffffffffcull #define BM_LEFT 0xfffffffffffffffcull #define BM_RIGHT 0x3fffffffffffffffull #define BM_OUTER 0xc000000000000003ull #define BM_LEFTMIDDLE 0x3000000000000000ull #define BM_RIGHTMIDDLE 0x000000000000000cull #elif TILE_SIZE_FULL == 32 typedef uint32_t uintsq_t; #define BM_POPCOUNT __builtin_popcount #define BM_MIDDLE 0x3ffffffc #define BM_LEFT 0xfffffffc #define BM_RIGHT 0x3fffffff #define BM_OUTER 0xc0000003 #define BM_LEFTMIDDLE 0x30000000 #define BM_RIGHTMIDDLE 0x0000000c #else #error "invalid TILE_SIZE_FULL" #endif #define BORDER_WIDTH 2 #define BORDER_WIDTH_P1 (BORDER_WIDTH + 1) #define TILE_SIZE_FULL_M1 (TILE_SIZE_FULL - 1) #define TILE_SIZE_MBD (TILE_SIZE_FULL - BORDER_WIDTH) #define TILE_SIZE_MBD_M1 (TILE_SIZE_MBD - 1) #define TILE_SIZE_CORE (TILE_SIZE_FULL - 2 * BORDER_WIDTH) #define TILE_SIZE_CORE_P1 (TILE_SIZE_CORE + 1) // Neighbours are numbered clockwise starting with the one directly above #define NUM_NEIGH 8 #define NEIGH_TOP 0 #define NEIGH_TOP_RIGHT 1 #define NEIGH_RIGHT 2 #define NEIGH_BOTTOM_RIGHT 3 #define NEIGH_BOTTOM 4 #define NEIGH_BOTTOM_LEFT 5 #define NEIGH_LEFT 6 #define NEIGH_TOP_LEFT 7 #define NEIGH_ANY 0xff #define NEIGH_BIT(i) (1 << (i)) #define IS_NEIGH(n, i) ((n) & NEIGH_BIT(i)) // Note: i ^ 4 trick sets NEIGH flag to the opposite one: // 0 > 4 (TOP > BOTTOM) // 1 > 5 (TOP RIGHT > BOTTOM LEFT) // 2 > 6 (RIGHT > LEFT) // 3 > 7 (BOTTOM RIGHT > TOP LEFT) // 4 > 0 (BOTTOM > TOP) // 5 > 1 (BOTTOM LEFT > TOP RIGHT) // 6 > 2 (LEFT > RIGHT) // 7 > 3 (TOP LEFT > BOTTOM RIGHT) // Note: mapping of x (cell) to tx (tile) is: // x tx // ---------- -- // ... // -121..-180 -3 // -61..-120 -2 // -1..-60 -1 // 0.. 59 0 // 60..119 1 // 120..179 2 // ... // Ditto for y (cell) to ty (tile). // Converse of get_tile_coords() // Given tx/ty and ix/iy return x/y the cell coordinate #define GET_CELL_COORD(tx, ix) (TILE_SIZE_CORE * (tx) + (ix) - BORDER_WIDTH) // Input cell (x, y). Return (tx, ty, ix, iy) // (tx, ty) : Tile coords // (ix, iy) : x, y coords inside tile static void get_tile_coords( cell_coord_type x, cell_coord_type y, cell_coord_type& tx, cell_coord_type& ty, cell_coord_type& ix, cell_coord_type& iy ) { cell_coord_type ox = x % TILE_SIZE_CORE; if (ox < 0) ox += TILE_SIZE_CORE; tx = (x - ox) / TILE_SIZE_CORE; ix = ox + BORDER_WIDTH; cell_coord_type oy = y % TILE_SIZE_CORE; if (oy < 0) oy += TILE_SIZE_CORE; ty = (y - oy) / TILE_SIZE_CORE; iy = oy + BORDER_WIDTH; } // A simple square tile bitmap (64 x 64 or 32 x 32) // x and y must be in 0..TILE_SIZE_FULL_M1 range // Cell value in row[] bitmap is 0 (dead) or 1 (alive) struct SqTile { uintsq_t row[TILE_SIZE_FULL]; SqTile() { memset(row, 0, sizeof(row)); } // bool is_empty(int& top, int& bottom) const { // top = 0; // bottom = TILE_SIZE_FULL_M1; // while (top < TILE_SIZE_FULL_M1 && row[top] == 0) ++top; // while (bottom > 0 && row[bottom] == 0) --bottom; // return top > bottom; // } int getcellval(int x, int y) const { uintsq_t mask = (uintsq_t)1 << (TILE_SIZE_FULL_M1 - x); return row[y] & mask ? 1 : 0; } void setcellval(int x, int y, int v) { uintsq_t mask = (uintsq_t)1 << (TILE_SIZE_FULL_M1 - x); if (v) { row[y] |= mask; } else { row[y] &= ~mask; } } // Used to initialize starting state void insertcells(const cell_list_type& cells) { for (const auto& c : cells) setcellval(c.x, c.y, 1); } // Used for verification and testing uintsq_t count() const { uintsq_t cnt = 0; for (int y = 0; y < TILE_SIZE_FULL; ++y) { if (!row[y]) continue; cnt += BM_POPCOUNT(row[y]); } return cnt; } // Used for verification and testing cell_list_type getlivecells() const { cell_list_type cells; for (int y = 0; y < TILE_SIZE_FULL; ++y) { if (!row[y]) continue; for (int x = 0; x < TILE_SIZE_FULL; ++x) { if (getcellval(x, y)) { cells.push_back(Cell(x, y)); } } } std::sort(cells.begin(), cells.end()); return cells; } // Advance the interior of square tile by one tick. // Return 1 if square tile changed, else 0. // neigh is an out parameter containing update flags // of the eight neighbours of this square tile. int tiletick(int top, int& neigh) { neigh = 0; uintsq_t bigdiff = 0; uintsq_t carry[TILE_SIZE_FULL]; uintsq_t parity[TILE_SIZE_FULL]; uintsq_t diff[TILE_SIZE_FULL]; memset(carry, 0, sizeof(carry)); memset(parity, 0, sizeof(parity)); memset(diff, 0, sizeof(diff)); uintsq_t aa, bb, p, q, r, s, bit0, bit1, bit2; #if 1 // int top = 0; // while (top < TILE_SIZE_FULL_M1 && row[top] == 0) ++top; int bottom = TILE_SIZE_FULL_M1; while (bottom > 0 && row[bottom] == 0) --bottom; // if (top > bottom) return 0; // cannot happen with get_top check #endif for (int i = top; i <= bottom; ++i) { aa = row[i] >> 1; bb = row[i] << 1; q = aa ^ bb; parity[i] = q ^ row[i]; carry[i] = (q & row[i]) | (aa & bb); } --top; ++bottom; if (top < 1) top = 1; if (bottom > TILE_SIZE_MBD) bottom = TILE_SIZE_MBD; for (int i = top; i <= bottom; ++i) { aa = parity[i-1]; bb = parity[i+1]; q = aa ^ bb; bit0 = q ^ parity[i]; r = (q & parity[i]) | (aa & bb); aa = carry[i-1]; bb = carry[i+1]; q = aa ^ bb; p = q ^ carry[i]; s = (q & carry[i]) | (aa & bb); bit1 = p ^ r; bit2 = s ^ (p & r); p = (bit0 & bit1 & ~bit2) | (bit2 & ~bit1 & ~bit0 & row[i]); diff[i] = (row[i] ^ p) & BM_MIDDLE; bigdiff |= diff[i]; row[i] = (p & BM_MIDDLE) | (row[i] & ~BM_MIDDLE); } aa = diff[BORDER_WIDTH] | diff[BORDER_WIDTH_P1]; bb = diff[TILE_SIZE_CORE] | diff[TILE_SIZE_CORE_P1]; if (bigdiff) { if (bigdiff & BM_LEFTMIDDLE) neigh |= NEIGH_BIT(NEIGH_LEFT); if (bigdiff & BM_RIGHTMIDDLE) neigh |= NEIGH_BIT(NEIGH_RIGHT); } if (aa) { neigh |= NEIGH_BIT(NEIGH_TOP); if (aa & BM_LEFTMIDDLE) neigh |= NEIGH_BIT(NEIGH_TOP_LEFT); if (aa & BM_RIGHTMIDDLE) neigh |= NEIGH_BIT(NEIGH_TOP_RIGHT); } if (bb) { neigh |= NEIGH_BIT(NEIGH_BOTTOM); if (bb & BM_LEFTMIDDLE) neigh |= NEIGH_BIT(NEIGH_BOTTOM_LEFT); if (bb & BM_RIGHTMIDDLE) neigh |= NEIGH_BIT(NEIGH_BOTTOM_RIGHT); } return (bigdiff != 0) ? 1 : 0; } // Advance the interior of square tile by two ticks. // Return 1 if square tile changed, else 0. // neigh is an out parameter containing update flags // of the eight neighbours of this square tile. int tiletwoticks(int top, int& neigh) { neigh = 0; uintsq_t bigdiff = 0; uintsq_t carry[TILE_SIZE_FULL]; uintsq_t parity[TILE_SIZE_FULL]; uintsq_t diff[TILE_SIZE_FULL]; uintsq_t ee[TILE_SIZE_FULL]; memset(carry, 0, sizeof(carry)); memset(parity, 0, sizeof(parity)); memset(diff, 0, sizeof(diff)); memset(ee, 0, sizeof(ee)); uintsq_t aa, bb, p, q, r, s, bit0, bit1, bit2; #if 1 // int top = 0; // while (top < TILE_SIZE_FULL_M1 && row[top] == 0) ++top; int bottom = TILE_SIZE_FULL_M1; while (bottom > 0 && row[bottom] == 0) --bottom; // if (top > bottom) return 0; // cannot happen with get_top check #endif // even --> odd for (int i = top; i <= bottom; ++i) { aa = row[i] >> 1; bb = row[i] << 1; q = aa ^ bb; parity[i] = q ^ row[i]; carry[i] = (q & row[i]) | (aa & bb); } --top; ++bottom; if (top < 1) top = 1; if (bottom > TILE_SIZE_MBD) bottom = TILE_SIZE_MBD; for (int i = top; i <= bottom; ++i) { aa = parity[i-1]; bb = parity[i+1]; q = aa ^ bb; bit0 = q ^ parity[i]; r = (q & parity[i]) | (aa & bb); aa = carry[i-1]; bb = carry[i+1]; q = aa ^ bb; p = q ^ carry[i]; s = (q & carry[i]) | (aa & bb); bit1 = p ^ r; bit2 = s ^ (p & r); ee[i] = (bit0 & bit1 & ~bit2) | (bit2 & ~bit1 & ~bit0 & row[i]); } // odd --> even for (int i = top; i <= bottom; ++i) { aa = ee[i] >> 1; bb = ee[i] << 1; q = aa ^ bb; parity[i] = q ^ ee[i]; carry[i] = (q & ee[i]) | (aa & bb); } --top; ++bottom; if (top < BORDER_WIDTH) top = BORDER_WIDTH; if (bottom > TILE_SIZE_MBD_M1) bottom = TILE_SIZE_MBD_M1; for (int i = top; i <= bottom; ++i) { aa = parity[i-1]; bb = parity[i+1]; q = aa ^ bb; bit0 = q ^ parity[i]; r = (q & parity[i]) | (aa & bb); aa = carry[i-1]; bb = carry[i+1]; q = aa ^ bb; p = q ^ carry[i]; s = (q & carry[i]) | (aa & bb); bit1 = p ^ r; bit2 = s ^ (p & r); p = (bit0 & bit1 & ~bit2) | (bit2 & ~bit1 & ~bit0 & ee[i]); diff[i] = (row[i] ^ p) & BM_MIDDLE; bigdiff |= diff[i]; row[i] = (p & BM_MIDDLE) | (row[i] & ~BM_MIDDLE); } aa = diff[BORDER_WIDTH] | diff[BORDER_WIDTH_P1]; bb = diff[TILE_SIZE_CORE] | diff[TILE_SIZE_CORE_P1]; if (bigdiff) { if (bigdiff & BM_LEFTMIDDLE) neigh |= NEIGH_BIT(NEIGH_LEFT); if (bigdiff & BM_RIGHTMIDDLE) neigh |= NEIGH_BIT(NEIGH_RIGHT); } if (aa) { neigh |= NEIGH_BIT(NEIGH_TOP); if (aa & BM_LEFTMIDDLE) neigh |= NEIGH_BIT(NEIGH_TOP_LEFT); if (aa & BM_RIGHTMIDDLE) neigh |= NEIGH_BIT(NEIGH_TOP_RIGHT); } if (bb) { neigh |= NEIGH_BIT(NEIGH_BOTTOM); if (bb & BM_LEFTMIDDLE) neigh |= NEIGH_BIT(NEIGH_BOTTOM_LEFT); if (bb & BM_RIGHTMIDDLE) neigh |= NEIGH_BIT(NEIGH_BOTTOM_RIGHT); } return (bigdiff != 0) ? 1 : 0; } }; // A more complex square tile. struct SquareTile { SquareTile() = default; SqTile sq; cell_coord_type tx; cell_coord_type ty; int updateflags; struct SquareTile* neighbours[NUM_NEIGH]; }; #ifdef USE_HOWARDH_ALLOC_L // Create a vector template with a small buffer of 512 bytes. // Note for vector it is possible to reduce the alignment requirements // down to alignof(T) because vector doesn't allocate anything but T's. // And if we're wrong about that guess, it is a compile-time error, not // a run time error. template using SmallVector = std::vector>; #endif struct TileHasher { size_t operator()(cell_whole_type w) const { return w; } }; using tile_map_type = std::unordered_map; using tile_sorted_map_type = std::map; using tile_list_type = std::vector; #ifdef USE_HOWARDH_ALLOC_L using tile_list_arena_type = SmallVector; #endif static void dump_one_tile(const SquareTile& sqt) { size_t popc = 0; for (int iy = BORDER_WIDTH; iy <= TILE_SIZE_MBD_M1; ++iy) { if (!sqt.sq.row[iy]) continue; popc += BM_POPCOUNT(sqt.sq.row[iy] & BM_MIDDLE); } std::cerr << "tx=" << sqt.tx << " ty=" << sqt.ty << " popc=" << popc << "\n"; std::cerr << " updateflags="; for (int i = 31; i >= 0; --i) std::cerr << ((sqt.updateflags >> i) & 1); std::cerr << "\n"; std::cerr << " live neighbours:"; if (sqt.neighbours) { for (int n = 0; n < NUM_NEIGH; ++n) { if (!sqt.neighbours[n]) continue; std::cerr << " " << n; } } std::cerr << "\n"; } // ----------------------------------------------------------- // ORGANISM class Organism { public: // Organism(size_t ntiles = 2048) { // tiles_m.reserve(ntiles); // modified_m.reserve(64); // } // Used to initialize the starting state of the organism void insert_cells(const cell_list_type& cells) { for (const auto& c : cells) setcell(c.x, c.y, 1); } // Used for verification and testing the state of the organism void dump_tiles() const { tile_sorted_map_type ordered(tiles_m.cbegin(), tiles_m.cend()); size_t ntiles = tiles_m.size(); std::cerr << "=== Dump Tiles, n=" << ntiles << " ==========\n"; size_t ii = 0; // for (const auto& tt : tiles_m) { for (const auto& tt : ordered) { ++ii; // cell_whole_type k = tt.first; // Note: kx,ky match Tx,Ty // cell_coord_type kx = XX(k); // cell_coord_type ky = YY(k); std::cerr << ii << ":-----------------------------\n"; const SquareTile& sqt = tt.second; dump_one_tile(sqt); } size_t nmodified = modified_m.size(); std::cerr << "=== Dump Modif, n=" << nmodified << " ==========\n"; ii = 0; for (auto sqt : modified_m) { ++ii; std::cerr << ii << ":-----------------------------\n"; dump_one_tile(*sqt); } } // Used for verification and testing the state of the organism size_t count() const { size_t cnt = 0; for (const auto& tt : tiles_m) { const SquareTile& sqt = tt.second; for (int iy = BORDER_WIDTH; iy <= TILE_SIZE_MBD_M1; ++iy) { if (!sqt.sq.row[iy]) continue; cnt += BM_POPCOUNT(sqt.sq.row[iy] & BM_MIDDLE); } } return cnt; } // Used for verification and testing the state of the organism cell_list_type get_live_cells() const { cell_list_type cells; for (const auto& tt : tiles_m) { const SquareTile& sqt = tt.second; for (int iy = BORDER_WIDTH; iy <= TILE_SIZE_MBD_M1; ++iy) { if (!sqt.sq.row[iy]) continue; for (int ix = BORDER_WIDTH; ix <= TILE_SIZE_MBD_M1; ++ix) { if (sqt.sq.getcellval(ix, iy)) { cells.push_back(Cell( GET_CELL_COORD(sqt.tx, ix), GET_CELL_COORD(sqt.ty, iy) )); } } } } std::sort(cells.begin(), cells.end()); return cells; } SquareTile* get_neighbour(SquareTile* sqt, int i) { if (!sqt->neighbours[i]) { cell_coord_type x = sqt->tx; cell_coord_type y = sqt->ty; if (i >= NEIGH_TOP_RIGHT && i <= NEIGH_BOTTOM_RIGHT) ++x; if (i >= NEIGH_BOTTOM_RIGHT && i <= NEIGH_BOTTOM_LEFT) ++y; if (i >= NEIGH_BOTTOM_LEFT && i <= NEIGH_TOP_LEFT) --x; if (i == NEIGH_TOP_LEFT || i <= NEIGH_TOP_RIGHT) --y; // Note: next line creates a new entry in tiles_m[] // if the key does not already exist sqt->neighbours[i] = &tiles_m[WW(x, y)]; sqt->neighbours[i]->tx = x; sqt->neighbours[i]->ty = y; } return sqt->neighbours[i]; } // Alert the neighbour that its neighbour (the original tile) has changed void update_neighbour(SquareTile* sqt, int i) { if (get_neighbour(sqt, i)->updateflags == 0) modified_m.push_back(get_neighbour(sqt, i)); get_neighbour(sqt, i)->updateflags |= NEIGH_BIT(i ^ 4); } // XXX: update_tile and update_tile_two are identical except // for calling tiletick() versus tiletwoticks() void update_tile(SquareTile* sqt) { int neigh, update_flag; int top = 0; while (top < TILE_SIZE_FULL && sqt->sq.row[top] == 0) ++top; if (top == TILE_SIZE_FULL) return; update_flag = sqt->sq.tiletick(top, neigh); if (update_flag) { if (sqt->updateflags == 0) modified_m.push_back(sqt); sqt->updateflags |= NEIGH_BIT(NUM_NEIGH); } if (!neigh) return; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_NEIGH; ++i) { if (neigh & NEIGH_BIT(i)) update_neighbour(sqt, i); } } void update_tile_two(SquareTile* sqt) { int neigh, update_flag; int top = 0; while (top < TILE_SIZE_FULL && sqt->sq.row[top] == 0) ++top; if (top == TILE_SIZE_FULL) return; update_flag = sqt->sq.tiletwoticks(top, neigh); if (update_flag) { if (sqt->updateflags == 0) modified_m.push_back(sqt); sqt->updateflags |= NEIGH_BIT(NUM_NEIGH); } if (!neigh) return; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_NEIGH; ++i) { if (neigh & NEIGH_BIT(i)) update_neighbour(sqt, i); } } // Update the relevant portions of the boundary (a 64-by-64 square // with the central 60-by-60 square removed) by copying data from // the interiors (the 60-by-60 central squares) of the neighbours. // Only perform this copying when necessary. // Note: alternatively: 32-by-32 with central 28-by-28. void update_boundary_tile(SquareTile* sqt) { if (sqt->updateflags & NEIGH_BIT(NEIGH_TOP)) { SquareTile* n = get_neighbour(sqt, NEIGH_TOP); sqt->sq.row[0] = (n->sq.row[TILE_SIZE_CORE] & BM_MIDDLE) | (sqt->sq.row[0] & BM_OUTER); sqt->sq.row[1] = (n->sq.row[TILE_SIZE_CORE_P1] & BM_MIDDLE) | (sqt->sq.row[1] & BM_OUTER); } if (sqt->updateflags & NEIGH_BIT(NEIGH_TOP_LEFT)) { SquareTile* n = get_neighbour(sqt, NEIGH_TOP_LEFT); sqt->sq.row[0] = ((n->sq.row[TILE_SIZE_CORE] & BM_MIDDLE) << TILE_SIZE_CORE) | (sqt->sq.row[0] & BM_RIGHT); sqt->sq.row[1] = ((n->sq.row[TILE_SIZE_CORE_P1] & BM_MIDDLE) << TILE_SIZE_CORE) | (sqt->sq.row[1] & BM_RIGHT); } if (sqt->updateflags & NEIGH_BIT(NEIGH_TOP_RIGHT)) { SquareTile* n = get_neighbour(sqt, NEIGH_TOP_RIGHT); sqt->sq.row[0] = ((n->sq.row[TILE_SIZE_CORE] & BM_MIDDLE) >> TILE_SIZE_CORE) | (sqt->sq.row[0] & BM_LEFT); sqt->sq.row[1] = ((n->sq.row[TILE_SIZE_CORE_P1] & BM_MIDDLE) >> TILE_SIZE_CORE) | (sqt->sq.row[1] & BM_LEFT); } if (sqt->updateflags & NEIGH_BIT(NEIGH_BOTTOM)) { SquareTile* n = get_neighbour(sqt, NEIGH_BOTTOM); sqt->sq.row[TILE_SIZE_MBD] = (n->sq.row[BORDER_WIDTH] & BM_MIDDLE) | (sqt->sq.row[TILE_SIZE_MBD] & BM_OUTER); sqt->sq.row[TILE_SIZE_FULL_M1] = (n->sq.row[3] & BM_MIDDLE) | (sqt->sq.row[TILE_SIZE_FULL_M1] & BM_OUTER); } if (sqt->updateflags & NEIGH_BIT(NEIGH_BOTTOM_LEFT)) { SquareTile* n = get_neighbour(sqt, NEIGH_BOTTOM_LEFT); sqt->sq.row[TILE_SIZE_MBD] = ((n->sq.row[BORDER_WIDTH] & BM_MIDDLE) << TILE_SIZE_CORE) | (sqt->sq.row[TILE_SIZE_MBD] & BM_RIGHT); sqt->sq.row[TILE_SIZE_FULL_M1] = ((n->sq.row[3] & BM_MIDDLE) << TILE_SIZE_CORE) | (sqt->sq.row[TILE_SIZE_FULL_M1] & BM_RIGHT); } if (sqt->updateflags & NEIGH_BIT(NEIGH_BOTTOM_RIGHT)) { SquareTile* n = get_neighbour(sqt, NEIGH_BOTTOM_RIGHT); sqt->sq.row[TILE_SIZE_MBD] = ((n->sq.row[BORDER_WIDTH] & BM_MIDDLE) >> TILE_SIZE_CORE) | (sqt->sq.row[TILE_SIZE_MBD] & BM_LEFT); sqt->sq.row[TILE_SIZE_FULL_M1] = ((n->sq.row[3] & BM_MIDDLE) >> TILE_SIZE_CORE) | (sqt->sq.row[TILE_SIZE_FULL_M1] & BM_LEFT); } if (sqt->updateflags & NEIGH_BIT(NEIGH_LEFT)) { SquareTile* n = get_neighbour(sqt, NEIGH_LEFT); for (int i = BORDER_WIDTH; i < TILE_SIZE_MBD; ++i) { sqt->sq.row[i] = ((n->sq.row[i] & BM_MIDDLE) << TILE_SIZE_CORE) | (sqt->sq.row[i] & BM_RIGHT); } } if (sqt->updateflags & NEIGH_BIT(NEIGH_RIGHT)) { SquareTile* n = get_neighbour(sqt, NEIGH_RIGHT); for (int i = BORDER_WIDTH; i < TILE_SIZE_MBD; ++i) { sqt->sq.row[i] = ((n->sq.row[i] & BM_MIDDLE) >> TILE_SIZE_CORE) | (sqt->sq.row[i] & BM_LEFT); } } } void tick() { // Update boundary of all modified tiles for (auto sqt : modified_m) { if (sqt->updateflags & NEIGH_ANY) update_boundary_tile(sqt); sqt->updateflags = 0; } // Create old_modified (used to create new modified list) // Next two are slower: // tile_list_type old_modified; old_modified.swap(modified_m); // tile_list_type old_modified = std::move(modified_m); #ifdef USE_HOWARDH_ALLOC_L tile_list_arena_type::allocator_type::arena_type st_arena; const tile_list_arena_type old_modified(modified_m.cbegin(), modified_m.cend(), st_arena); #else const tile_list_type old_modified(modified_m.cbegin(), modified_m.cend()); #endif modified_m.clear(); // Update core of all modified tiles, creating new modified list for (auto sqt : old_modified) { update_tile(sqt); } } void twoticks() { // Update boundary of all modified tiles for (auto sqt : modified_m) { if (sqt->updateflags & NEIGH_ANY) update_boundary_tile(sqt); sqt->updateflags = 0; } // Create old_modified (used to create new modified list) // Next two are slower: // tile_list_type old_modified; old_modified.swap(modified_m); // tile_list_type old_modified = std::move(modified_m); #ifdef USE_HOWARDH_ALLOC_L tile_list_arena_type::allocator_type::arena_type st_arena; const tile_list_arena_type old_modified(modified_m.cbegin(), modified_m.cend(), st_arena); #else const tile_list_type old_modified(modified_m.cbegin(), modified_m.cend()); #endif modified_m.clear(); // Update core of all modified tiles, creating new modified list for (auto sqt : old_modified) { update_tile_two(sqt); } } void ticks(size_t nticks) { if (nticks == 1) { tick(); return; } size_t half = nticks >> 1; size_t rem = nticks & 1; for (size_t i = 0; i < half; ++i) { twoticks(); } if (rem) { tick(); } } void updatecell(SquareTile* sqt, cell_coord_type x, cell_coord_type y) { if (sqt->updateflags == 0) modified_m.push_back(sqt); sqt->updateflags |= NEIGH_BIT(NUM_NEIGH); if (y <= BORDER_WIDTH_P1) update_neighbour(sqt, NEIGH_TOP); if (y >= TILE_SIZE_CORE) update_neighbour(sqt, NEIGH_BOTTOM); if (x <= BORDER_WIDTH_P1) { update_neighbour(sqt, NEIGH_LEFT); if (y <= BORDER_WIDTH_P1) update_neighbour(sqt, NEIGH_TOP_LEFT); if (y >= TILE_SIZE_CORE) update_neighbour(sqt, NEIGH_BOTTOM_LEFT); } if (x >= TILE_SIZE_CORE) { update_neighbour(sqt, NEIGH_RIGHT); if (y <= BORDER_WIDTH_P1) update_neighbour(sqt, NEIGH_TOP_RIGHT); if (y >= TILE_SIZE_CORE) update_neighbour(sqt, NEIGH_BOTTOM_RIGHT); } } void setcell(cell_coord_type x, cell_coord_type y, int state) { cell_coord_type tx, ty, ix, iy; get_tile_coords(x, y, tx, ty, ix, iy); // Note: next line creates a new entry in tiles_m[] // if the key does not already exist SquareTile* sqt = &tiles_m[WW(tx, ty)]; sqt->tx = tx; sqt->ty = ty; sqt->sq.setcellval(ix, iy, state); updatecell(sqt, ix, iy); } int getcellval(cell_coord_type x, cell_coord_type y) const { cell_coord_type tx, ty, ix, iy; get_tile_coords(x, y, tx, ty, ix, iy); auto kk = tiles_m.find(WW(tx, ty)); if (kk == tiles_m.end()) { return 0; } return kk->second.sq.getcellval(ix, iy); } private: tile_map_type tiles_m; // For lidka up to ~2048 entries tile_list_type modified_m; // For lidka up to ~64 entries // Could try USE_HOWARDH_ALLOC_L (but seems to be slower here) // tile_list_arena_type::allocator_type::arena_type st_arena_m; // tile_list_arena_type modified_m {st_arena_m}; }; #endif #### // tbench1.cpp. Simple benchmark of Organism class. // g++ compile on Linux: // g++ -o tbench1 -std=c++11 -Wall -O3 tbench1.cpp // MSVC 2017 compile on Windows, start a 64-bit compiler cmdline via: // Start > AllApps > Visual Studio 2017 > x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS2017 // then: // cl /W3 /MT /Ox /EHsc tbench1.cpp #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "grid.h" static bool is_file_exist(const char *fname) { std::ifstream infile(fname); return infile.good(); } static Cell read_cell(const std::string& str) { cell_coord_type x, y; std::istringstream iss(str); iss >> x; iss >> y; return Cell(x, y); } // Reads a Life 1.06 text file static cell_list_type read_cells_106(const char* fname) { cell_list_type cells; std::ifstream cellfile(fname); if (!cellfile) { std::cerr << "Error opening '" << fname << "'\n"; return cells; } for (std::string line; std::getline(cellfile, line); ) { if (line.empty()) continue; // ignore blank lines if (line[0] == '#') continue; // ignore comment lines cells.push_back(read_cell(line)); } return cells; } static void RunTest(const char* fname, int nticks, int niter) { cell_list_type initial_cells = read_cells_106(fname); size_t n_init = initial_cells.size(); size_t ncells; std::cout << "run " << niter << " iterations of " << nticks << " ticks\n"; time_t tstart = ::time(NULL); for (int i = 1; i <= niter; ++i) { Organism org; org.insert_cells(initial_cells); ncells = org.count(); // if (ncells != n_init) { std::cout << "oops\n"; } std::cout << i << " cell count at start = " << n_init << "---\n"; // for (int j = 1; j <= nticks; ++j) { org.tick(); } org.ticks((size_t)nticks); ncells = org.count(); std::cout << i << " cell count at end = " << ncells << "\n"; } time_t tend = ::time(NULL); long time_total = static_cast(::difftime(tend, tstart) + 0.5); double time_ave = (double)time_total / (double)niter; std::cout << "total time taken " << time_total << " secs\n"; std::cout << "time per run " << time_ave << " secs\n"; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc != 4) { std::cerr << "usage: tbench1 file nticks niter\n"; return 1; } const char* fname = argv[1]; if (!is_file_exist(fname)) { std::cerr << "File '" << fname << "' does not exist\n"; return 1; } int nticks = ::atoi(argv[2]); if (nticks <= 0) { std::cerr << "'" << argv[2] << "'" << " invalid nticks\n"; return 1; } int niter = ::atoi(argv[3]); if (niter <= 0) { std::cerr << "'" << argv[3] << "'" << " invalid niter\n"; return 1; } RunTest(fname, nticks, niter); return 0; }