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Wall of Larry Quest
Starts at: Feb 26, 2024 at 05:00
Ends at: Dec 31, 2024 at 04:59
Current Status: Active
2 replies by jdporter

    By now you've all seen The St. Larry Wall Shrine. Well, it could use a fresh coat of gold leaf and shellac. Therefore, we are soliciting Larry-related items to be placed on the shrine. Links to offsite content are good; or if you have small bits of content, such as quotes, you'd like to contribute, that's fine too. Please reply to this Quest with your humble offerings. Thank you! And may St. Larry bless your codings and your debuggings.

poll ideas quest 2024
Starts at: Jan 01, 2024 at 00:00
Ends at: Dec 31, 2024 at 23:59
Current Status: Active
6 replies by pollsters
    First, read How do I create a Poll?. Then suggest your poll here. Complete ideas are more likely to be used.

    Note that links may be used in choices but not in the title.

Perl News
PDL Advent Calendar 2024
on Nov 30, 2024 at 22:53
0 replies by etj
    Not to be outdone (much), the PDL community has made a PDL Advent calendar: Big up to Ea for the idea and impetus behind it.

    There are a couple of episodes beyond today's (the 1st) up already, so you can binge it if you like. Or, you can keep your cool and just read one per day. I won't tell you how to best enjoy it!

    Comments welcome.

Perl Advent Calendar 2024
on Nov 30, 2024 at 19:16
0 replies by hippo

    It's December, so that means that the Perl Advent Calendar is up and running once again.

    Enjoy your 24 days of insightful Perl-related articles.


Perl's hidden depths
1 direct reply — Read more / Contribute
by talexb
on Nov 28, 2024 at 11:56

    I'm semi-retired, which means I take care of a client's system of Perl scripts that mostly run without my intervention. I log everything with the excellent Log::Log4perl module, and sometimes I tail those files to keep on eye on the various scripts that run. One group of scripts creates tickets for new orders, and other scripts update these tickets based on what Sage (the accounting system) says.

    Eventually, I started to think about understanding the life-cycle of these tickets -- they get created (that's logged in one file), they get updated (logged in a couple of other files), and they get closed (logged in two other files). Could I parse all of the log files and see the life-cycle just by drawing inferences? It's an academic exercise, since all I have to do is query the ticketing system's API about the history of a ticket, but like I said, I'm mostly retired, but I'm still curious.

    The lines are like this:

    2024/11/28 10:54:04 INFO : Update ticket 425955 to add invoice 802436 +tag .. OK 2024/11/28 10:54:05 INFO : Update ticket 425912 to add invoice 802435 +tag .. OK 2024/11/28 10:54:06 INFO : Add note to ticket 425912 with info about i +nvoice 802435 .. OK 2024/11/28 10:57:02 INFO : Create FD ticket 425991 for order 662626 .. + OK
    So I created an AoH data structure with the filename, a useful regular expression, and an action (create or update). (Because for me, it always starts with a data structure to organize the logic.) But then I realized each log file had different elements that needed collecting. How do I handle that without having to write code for each log file? Can't I just add something clever to my data structure?

    Eventually, some of my brain cells told me I needed to use a named capture in the regular expressions to handle this. Other brain cells complained that I'd never used that before, but the first group of brain cells said, Nonsense (or Buck Up, I forget), it's all in the Camel if you just look.

    So, when you're capturing stuff in a regexp with a clause like (\d+), that first capture just gets stashed in $1. But you can also name that capture (a feature I never needed until now), like this: (?<ticket>\d+). And you get it out by looking at the magic variable %+, so the ticket value is available as $+{ ticket }. SO COOL!

    I was then able to write a bunch of regular expressions, all with named captures, and collect whatever I needed from the log lines. Then, if a particular element was there, I would add it to the history hash I was building. So one of the AoH entries looked like this:

    { filename => 'status.log', regexp => qr/Update (?<ticket>\d+) status to (?<status>.+) \.\./, action => 'update' },
    Then, putting stuff into the history hash was this large statement:
    $history{ $+{ ticket } }{ $entry->{ action } } = { date => $words[0], 'time' => $words[1], ( exists ( $+{ order } ) ? ( order => $+{ order } ) : () ), ( exists ( $+{ invoice } ) ? ( invoice => $+{ invoice } ) : () ), ( exists ( $+{ shipment } ) ? ( shipment => $+{ shipment } ) : () ), ( exists ( $+{ scheduled_date } ) ? ( scheduled_date => $+{ scheduled_date } ) : + () ), ( exists ( $+{ status } ) ? ( status => $+{ status } ) : () ), };
    I wanted to do all of this in a single statement, rather than have individual if statements for each possible element.

    The code runs fine, and does what I expect. Named captures are a very cool feature, but they do exactly what I needed to do. Props to all the smart folks who came up with that idea (and then implemented it). What a cool language.

    Alex / talexb / Toronto

    Thanks PJ. We owe you so much. Groklaw -- RIP -- 2003 to 2013.

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