my %analysed = (
baSlar => ['plural'],
baSlarimiz => ['plural', 'possessed by us'],
baSimda => ['possessed by me', 'locative'],
sub findroot {
my @words = @_;
my %stems;
foreach ( @words ) {
my @letters = split //;
do {
$stems{join ('', @letters)}++
} while my $stem = pop(@letters);
# dump all the possible stems that don't match every word
map { delete $stems{$_} if $stems{$_} < scalar(@words) } keys %stems;
#return the stem - i.e. the longest common element
return [ sort { length $b <=> length $a } keys %stems ]->[0];
imda: 'possessed by me', 'locative'
use Algorithm::Permute qw( permute );
# not so fast as other modules, but it compiled OK on cygwin
my @permutations = possibles('imda','possessed by me','locative');
sub possibles {
my ($string, @items) = @_;
my @permutations;
my $maxlength = length($string) - scalar(@items) + 1;
permute {
##### this is hardcoded
my @lengths = (2,1,1);
do {
my %perm;
my @split = getsplit($string, @lengths);
for ( my $j = 0; $j < @items; $j++ ) {
$perm{$items[$j]} = $split[$j];
push(@permutations, \%perm);
#print Dumper \%perm;
} while ( @lengths = nextlength($maxlength, @lengths) );
} @items;
sub getsplit {
my ($string, @lengths) = @_;
my @splits;
my $offset;
foreach (@lengths) {
push(@splits, substr($string, $offset, $_) );
$offset += $_;
return @splits;
sub nextlength {
my ($maxlength, @lengths) = @_;
my $incrnext;
foreach (@lengths) {
if ( $_ >= $maxlength ) {
$incrnext = ( $;
$_ = 1;
else {
$_++ if $incrnext;
$incrnext = 0;
return if $incrnext;
return @lengths;
@possibles = ( {
'i' => 'locative',
'mda' => '',
'im' => 'locative',
'da' => '',
}, ........ );
my %analysed = (
baSlar => ['root:head', 'plural'],
baSlarimiz => ['root:head', 'plural', 'possessed by us'],
baSimda => ['root:head', 'possessed by me', 'locative'],