package PhoneParse; # Attempts to parse international phone numbers found "in the # wild" where operaters entered the numbers with no attempt at # prior format enforcement. Only handles International Dial # Direct codes, Country Codes, extensions, and the numbers # themselves. No attempt is made to identify "area codes" if # present in the number. use strict; use vars qw( @EXPORT $DEBUG ); use base qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw( parse_phone ); use Carp; # Home grown use PhoneNumber; use CountryCodes qw( is_country_code pull_country_code ); sub parse_phone { # Attempt to normalize feral phone numbers Lots of sequential # calls here, where the remnants of the last call are passed # along to the next routine. my $entry = shift; return () if $entry =~ /^\s*$/; # Normalize dividing cues that look like attempts to indicate # alternat phone listings $entry = normalize_alts($entry); # Using those cues, crack into multiple phone numbers my @raw_numbers = split_nums($entry); my @numbers; # storage bin. my @first; # cache for 1st country code and number foreach my $raw_number (@raw_numbers) { # Normalize oddball extension indicators $raw_number = normalize_exts($raw_number); # It helps to strip parens, as opposed to other noise, at # this point. Sequential cohesion, anyone? Bleah. $raw_number = zap_parens($raw_number); # Grab the extensions. my @exts; ($raw_number, @exts) = extract_exts($raw_number); # Trim the fat from the ends $raw_number = zap_border_noise($raw_number); # Yank any International Dial Direct codes, that is, codes # used to dial *out* of various countries. These are of no # interest, although they can serve as an indicator of an # upcoming country code. my $idd; ($raw_number, $idd) = extract_idd($raw_number); # Extensions have been clipped and IDD's plucked. Now look # for stealth dash alternates -- that is to say, a single # dash (normally ubiquitous) that is actually indicating # alternate numbers. This will tank if the lone dash was # meant to indicate an extension. Oh well. $raw_number = normalize_dashslash($raw_number); # Now we can interpolate over alternate suffixes, if any, and # crack each number. my @raws = interpolate($raw_number); foreach my $raw (@raws) { my($num, $cc) = extract_country_code($raw, $first[1]); # Cache first found country code and number @first = ($num, $cc) if !@first && $cc; # Propogate first country code if appropriate. If the root # numbers don't have the same digit count then we do not # propogate the cc. my $native_cc = 1; if (!$cc && $first[1]) { if ($num =~ tr/0-9// == $first[0] =~ tr/0-9//) { $cc = $first[1]; $native_cc = 0; }; } $native_cc = 0 if @raws > 1 && $raw ne $raws[0]; push(@numbers, PhoneNumber->new( num => $num, cc => $cc, ext => \@exts, idd => $idd, )); $numbers[-1]->_native_cc($native_cc); } } # All done @numbers; } sub normalize_dashslash { # Normally dashes cannot tell us much, but if they are towards # the end and the *only* use of a dash on a relatively long # number, it's reasonabe to infer that that the dash is # indicating alternative suffixes for a number. In this case # just replace the dash with something more obvious: a slash. my $raw_number = shift; my $dash_count = $raw_number =~ tr/\-//; return $raw_number unless $dash_count == 1; my $total_dcount = $raw_number =~ tr/0-9//; my($left, $right) = split(/\s*\-\s*/, $raw_number); my($pre, $left) = $left =~ /(.*?)(\d+)$/; my $pre_dcount = $pre =~ tr/0-9//; return $raw_number unless $pre_dcount; my $left_dcount = $left =~ tr/0-9//; my $right_dcount = $right =~ tr/0-9//; my $r_pct = $right_dcount/($pre_dcount + $left_dcount); # If there are lots of digits, proceed. Also proceed on smaller # digit streams if the righthand chunk is "big enough", guessed # and gollied here at around 32%. This avoids simple numbers # such as +dd dddd-dddd and +ddd ddd ddd-ddd if ($total_dcount > 12 || $r_pct <= 0.32) { # We have an "interesting" number if ($right_dcount == $left_dcount || $right_dcount == 1) { # Balanced lengths around a lone dash; probably an # alternate ending. Otherwise an rlength of 1, which is an # alt or an ext but we'll presume alt. return join('/', "$pre$left", $right); } } # No suspicious dashes $raw_number; } sub zap_border_noise { # Zap leading and trailing non-numerics (but not +) my $raw_number = shift; $raw_number =~ s/^[^\+\d]+//; $raw_number =~ s/\D+$//; $raw_number; } sub zap_parens { # Zap parentheses my $raw_number = shift; $raw_number =~ s/[()]//g; $raw_number; } sub extract_idd { # Clip International Direct Dial Codes if they were entered # instead of country codes. Specifically we go after # combinations of leading zeros followed by ones: 00, 011, # 0011, 010, etc. This does not cover all IDDs, but gets many # of them. Oftentimes the country code will remain next in # line. Note that we take special care *not* to clip a mere # leading '1' or '001', the CC for the USA. my $raw_number = shift; my $original_number = $raw_number; # Remove start noise, such as quotes and whitespace $raw_number =~ s/^[^\d\+]+//; # Isolate a '+' if present with dashes, additional pluses, or # any other non-numeric cruft following it. $raw_number =~ s/^\+\D*/\+/; my $idd; if ($raw_number =~ s/^\+(0+1{2,})/\+/) { # Look for a + followed by zeros and at least two 1's, and # replace with a '+'. By far the most common occurrence of # this is '+ 011'. $idd = $1; } elsif ($raw_number =~ s/^\+(0+)1/\+/) { # Check for a + followed by zeros and a single 1. Here we # also check the remaining digit count in order to guess # whether we're dealing with the Country Code of the USA (1) # or an IDD from within somewhere else. my $digit_count = $raw_number =~ tr/[0-9]//; if ($digit_count == 10) { # CC for U.S.A. $idd = $1; $raw_number =~ s/^\+/\+1/; } else { # IDD from within somewhere else? $idd = "${1}1"; } } elsif ($raw_number =~ s/^\+(0+[01]*)/\+/) { # Wrap-up for mandatory '+' sightings: Replace a plus # followed by zero followed by any combination of 1's and 0's # with just a '+'. $idd = $1; } elsif ($raw_number =~ s/^(0+[01]*)/\+/) { # Infer '+' for remaining 01 combinations with no '+', in # particular '00'. $idd = $1; } else { # No idd found return $original_number; } # Booty $raw_number =~ /\d/ ? ($raw_number, $idd) : $original_number; } sub normalize_exts { # attempt to normalize odd ext indicators to a single 'x' my $raw_number = shift; $raw_number =~ s/[\#\*]+\s*(\d+.*)$/x$1/; $raw_number; } sub extract_exts { # Extract extensions. Multiple extensions are assumed to be # indicated with slashes of some sort (hence the earlier # normalizing attempt) my $raw_number = shift; return $raw_number unless $raw_number =~ /\D/; my @exts; if ($raw_number =~ s/[xX]+\D*(\d+.*)$//) { my $ext = $1; $ext =~ s/[^\d,\/\\\|]+//g; @exts = split(/\D+/, $ext); } # clean up non-numeric extension debris $raw_number =~ s/\D+$//; ($raw_number, @exts); } sub normalize_alts { # attempt to normalize delimeters for alternate numbers or # extensions my $entry = shift; return $entry unless $entry =~ /\D/; $entry = lc($entry); $entry =~ s/\s+or\s+/\//g; $entry =~ s/\s*[,;\|]\s*/\//g; $entry; } sub extract_country_code { # Yank or infer country codes if possible my($raw, $cc_known) = @_; my($num, $cc); if ($raw !~ /^\+/) { # No '+', see if the first number group looks like a country # code. If so make sure there are enough digits in the number # to make sense with a country code. if (!$cc_known && ($raw =~ /^(\d+)[\s\-]+\d+/ && is_country_code($1)) || $raw =~ tr/0-9// > 10) { ($num, $cc) = pull_cc_smart($raw); } else { # No country code to pull. Just strip non nums. $num = $raw; $num =~ s/\D+//g; } } else { # There was a leading '+' so we'll have a go at pulling a # country code, even if there is no valid one present. ($num, $cc) = pull_cc_smart($raw); } # Booty ($num, $cc); } sub pull_cc_smart { # Yank country codes by scanning for valid country codes my $raw_number = shift; $raw_number =~ s/\D+//g; my($num, $ccode) = pull_country_code($raw_number); ($num, $ccode); } sub pull_cc_guess { # Attempt to mechanically yank country codes without any # information on what represents a valid cc. my $raw_number = shift; my $pat = qr/^\s*\++[\s\+\-]*(\d+)/; my($ccode) = $raw_number =~ /$pat/; $raw_number =~ s/$pat// if defined $ccode; $raw_number =~ s/\D+//g; ($raw_number, $ccode); } sub split_nums { # Attempt to detect and split multiple numbers. my $raw_number = shift; my @numbers; if ($raw_number =~ tr/0-9// > 18) { if ($raw_number =~ /\+[^\+]+([^\+\s]\s*\+)/) { # Attempt to split on '+' in cases where there # are multiple country codes. @numbers = split("\Q$1\E", $raw_number); map($numbers[$_] = "+$numbers[$_]", 1..$#numbers); } else { # Otherwise go for slashes and length ratios. We # guess/golly chunk lengths of 9 digits or larger. my @chunks; ($numbers[0], @chunks) = split(/\s*[\\\/,]+\s*/, $raw_number); foreach my $chunk (@chunks) { my($ext_guard) = $chunk =~ /^([^x]+)/i; my $chunk_digits = $ext_guard =~ tr/0-9//; if ($chunk_digits >= 9 && $numbers[-1] =~ tr/0-9// >= 9) { push(@numbers, $chunk); } else { $numbers[-1] .= "/$chunk"; } } } # Check for numbers such as +1 555 555 5555 1 444 444 4444 # This is some hard-coded US-centric whack for sure. if (@numbers <= 1) { my @chunks = split(/[\s\+\-]+1[\s\+\-]+/, $raw_number); shift @chunks if $chunks[0] =~ /^\s*$/; if (@chunks >= 2) { @numbers = (); foreach (@chunks) { if (tr/0-9// >= 8) { push(@numbers, "+1 $_"); } else { $numbers[$#numbers] .= " +1 $_"; } } } } } # Booty @numbers ? @numbers : $raw_number; } sub interpolate { # Many times multiple suffixes, rather than whole numbers, are # indicated by slashes, etc. We take these suffixes and join # them to their common prefix. my $raw_num = shift; # Split on our chosen delimeters ( '/' or '\') my($base, @frags) = split(/\s*[\\\/]+\s*/, $raw_num); return $raw_num unless @frags; # Pull the digits from the first alternate in order to capture # the digit count my($nchunk) = $frags[0] =~ /(\d+)/; return $raw_num unless defined $nchunk; # Check to make sure our prefix isn't a shorter stub. If it is, # interpolation makes no sense. my $base_dcount = $base =~ tr/0-9//; my $chunk_dcount = $nchunk =~ tr/0-9//; return $raw_num if $base_dcount <= $chunk_dcount; # Using that length, pull the root number from the string # containing that root plus the *first* alternative. my($prefix) = $base =~ /(.*)\d{$chunk_dcount}$/; # Entirely separate numbers if no prefix. return $raw_num unless defined $prefix; # Apply the prefix to the remaining alternatives. We drop # duplicates. In the real world this probably meant that the # alternative presented was an extension rather than an # alternative. Oh well. my @interpolated; my %seen; foreach ($base, map("$prefix$_", @frags)) { next if $seen{$_}; push(@interpolated, $_); ++$seen{$_}; } # Booty @interpolated; } 1; #### package CountryCodes; use strict; use Exporter; use base qw(Exporter); use vars qw( @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK ); @EXPORT = qw( is_country_code pull_country_code ); @EXPORT_OK = qw( initialize_from_net ); use Carp; ### Initialization my @Icodes = qw( 1 20 212 213 216 218 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 27 290 291 297 298 299 30 31 32 33 34 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 36 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 380 381 385 386 387 389 39 40 41 420 421 423 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 670 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 7 808 81 82 84 850 852 853 855 856 86 870 871 872 873 874 878 880 881 886 90 91 92 93 94 95 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 98 992 993 994 995 996 998 ); my $Fresh_Codes_url = ''; my(%Icodes, %Icodes_by_length, %Icodes_huff); initialize(); sub initialize { # Set up data structures -- handy when we want to update with # fresh codes off the Net. if (@_) { @Icodes = @_; } %Icodes = %Icodes_by_length = %Icodes_huff = (); grep(++$Icodes{$_}, @Icodes); foreach my $code (@Icodes) { my $l = length $code; $Icodes_by_length{$l} ||= []; push(@{$Icodes_by_length{$l}}, $code); } foreach my $l (keys %Icodes_by_length) { @{$Icodes_by_length{$l}} = sort @{$Icodes_by_length{$l}}; } foreach my $code (@Icodes) { my @digits = split(//, $code); my $str = join('}{', @digits); eval "++\$Icodes_huff{$str}"; } } ### Accessors sub is_country_code { my $code = shift; return unless $code; $Icodes{$code}; } sub country_codes_of_length { my $l = shift; return unless $Icodes_by_length{$l}; @{$Icodes_by_length{$l}}; } sub random_country_code_of_length { my $l = shift; return unless $Icodes_by_length{$l}; $Icodes_by_length{$l}[rand(scalar @{$Icodes_by_length{$l}})]; } sub pull_country_code { # Given a string of digits, pull a matching country code # from the beginning and return the resulting code and # remaining digits. my $number = shift; return unless $number; croak "Non numeric data\n" unless $number =~ /^\d+$/; my @digits = reverse split(//,$number); my @pulled; my $ptr = \%Icodes_huff; while (@digits) { $_ = pop @digits; last unless $ptr->{$_}; push(@pulled, $_); $ptr = $ptr->{$_}; last unless ref $ptr; } my $cc = join('', @pulled); my $left = join('', reverse @digits); return $number unless $left =~ /\d/; return($left, $cc); } ### Get new country codes from the Net sub initialize_from_net { # earlier versions of TE will not work for this site require LWP::Simple; eval "use HTML::TableExtract 1.08"; die "Oops: $@\n" if $@; my $html = LWP::Simple::get($Fresh_Codes_url); my $te = HTML::TableExtract->new ( headers => ['Country\s+Code', 'Country\s+Name'], br_translate => 1, ); $te->parse($html); my(@ccodes, %seen); foreach my $row ($te->rows) { my($cruft, $country) = @$row; my($code) = $cruft =~ /^\s*(\d+)/; next unless defined $code; next if length $code > 3; next if $seen{$code}; push(@ccodes, $code); ++$seen{$code}; } initialize(sort @ccodes); } 1; #### package PhoneNumber; # Simple class to store various bits of a phone number and roll # them out as a string when needed. use strict; use Carp; my @Valid_Parms = qw( num idd cc ext ); my $Ppat = join('|', @Valid_Parms); sub new { my $class = shift; my %parms = @_; foreach (keys %parms) { croak "Invalid parameter '$_' passed.\n" unless /^$Ppat$/o; } my $self =\%parms; $self->{ext} ||= []; $self->{_native_cc} = 1; bless $self, $class; } sub number { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{num} = shift; delete $self->{_chunked}; } $self->{num}; } sub idd { my $self = shift; @_ ? $self->{idd} = shift : $self->{idd}; } sub _native_cc { # hack for scrambling original dataset my $self = shift; @_ ? $self->{native_cc} = shift : $self->{native_cc}; } sub country_code { my $self = shift; @_ ? $self->{cc} = shift : $self->{cc}; } sub extensions { my $self = shift; if (@_) { @{$self->{ext}} = @_; } @{$self->{ext}}; } sub chunked_number { # Regurgitate a phone number with a 4 digit grouping last, # preceded by 3 digit groups prior to that. my $self = shift; my $num = $self->number; return unless defined $num; if (!$self->{_chunked}) { # Optimize for chunking $num = reverse $num; my @tphn; if ($num =~ s/^(\d{1,4})//) { push(@tphn, $1); } push(@tphn, $num =~ /(\d{1,3})/g); # Undo reversals grep($_ = reverse, @tphn); @tphn = reverse @tphn; # Cache $self->{_chunked} = \@tphn; } @{$self->{_chunked}}; } sub as_string { # Attempt some nice formatting my $self = shift; my $str; my $icode = $self->country_code; $str = "+$icode " if $icode; $str .= join(' ', $self->chunked_number); my @exts = $self->extensions; $str .= (' x ' . join('/', @exts)) if @exts; $str; } 1; #### #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use FindBin; use lib $FindBin::Bin; use PhoneParse; my $Show_Line_Count = 1; my $col1w = 35; while () { chomp; s/^\s*\S+\s+//; # clip pct next if /^\s*$/; my $entry = $_; our $attempt; ++$attempt; printf("%4d. ", $attempt) if $Show_Line_Count; printf("%${col1w}s : ", $entry); # Main voodoo my @numbers = parse_phone($entry); foreach (0 .. $#numbers) { if ($_ > 0) { printf("%6s", ' ') if $Show_Line_Count; printf("%${col1w}s ", ' '); } print $numbers[$_]->as_string, "\n"; } } __DATA__ 18.5765% +1 234 567 8923 14.3681% 234-567-8923 9.0357% +21 30 450 6789 7.6921% +21 10 3456 7189 5.6347% +20 1 3456 7809 4.1844% +00 121 340 5670 3.7609% +23 1456 71 8000 2.7520% (203) 456-7000 2.1150% +203 4567892 2.0478% +01 2345 6789 1.5463% +21 134 56 7892 1.4852% +231 45 6789 1.2932% +23 4 560 0070 1.2176% +23 11 4516078 0.9285% +23 4 567 8000 ext 9000 0.8841% +23 1 45 67 1819 0.8493% 0231 0.6802% +010 231 4516 0.6658% +20 1 3456 07890 0.6550% +21 3 45 16 71 89 0.6202% +234 5678 9234 0.6094% 0123456107 0.5938% 234-567-8901 x 2304 0.5302% +21 0134 567189 0.5122% +02 3 4516789 0.4775% +21 134 567 892 0.4547% +20 034 516780 0.4379% +234 1 5601700 ext 0189 0.4151% +1 234 567 8902 ext 3001 0.4091% +23 41 5611 000 0.3035% +20 1 03456718 0.2903% +02 34156789 0.2759% +21 30 405 111 0.2735% +12314567892 0.2699% +020 3 456 7089 0.2627% +213 45 67 8901 0.2567% +234 1-5601700 80192 0.2507% +21 0345 678 902 0.2207% +234 506 78 9020 0.2027% +20 31 456171 0.2015% +21 10 345 61789 0.2015% +210103456011 0.1943% +21 10 34111567 0.1931% +23 04 50016 708 0.1871% 203 456-0780 0.1871% +1 234-567-8192 0.1871% +23 41 560 78 90 0.1727% 1-234-567-1189 0.1703% +231 41 567 8923 0.1548% +23 41 5601711 ext 1089 0.1428% +21 345 67 100 0.1404% +23 040 5678 9010 0.1344% +23 4 56789 2340 0.1320% +23 145678900 0.1308% +21 341 5 60781 0.1296% +21 345 67 89011 0.1176% 203.456.7018 0.1140% +21 30 40 5678 0.1128% +23 45 6789 2034 ext. 1156 0.1128% +234 567 08 09 ext 2345 0.1092% +213 1 450067 ext 1008 0.1080% +21 030 4056781 0.1008% +21 134 56 78 90 0.0996% +23 4 516 78 92 0.0972% +1 234 561-7892 0.0924% + 21 10 341 5067 0.0912% +234 51 6701111 0.0900% +21 0300 405 6780 0.0876% +234 51 6708111 ext 9111 0.0852% +234 51670018 ext 9210 0.0852% +230 4 56078 923 0.0840% 020 304 5678 0.0816% +23 40 5678-9200 0.0804% +21 0345678902 0.0780% +23 1 40115 ext 600 0.0780% +23 1 45678 ext. 9023 0.0768% +234 5 67 8920 0.0756% +230 4 50116789 0.0756% +1 213 456 1789 X2300 0.0732% +234 5 67 111 0.0696% +203 450 6111 ext 1007 0.0684% +21 010 3456 789 0.0660% +2 01 3041506 0.0648% +231 4567892 ext. 340 0.0648% (213)456-1178 0.0648% +213 1 450067 0.0636% +01 23 45 67 89 0.0624% +21 3415 60117 0.0600% +2011 340056 0.0600% +0123451678 0.0600% +23 1 4567800 ext. 901 0.0588% +21 345 607809 ext. 203 0.0588% + 1 234 501 6078 0.0588% + 21 010 341 5016 0.0576% +1-231-456-7189 0.0564% +23 10 45067801 ext.9023 0.0564% +23 11 4150 6000 ext 7819 0.0564% +23 04 51101 ext. 6789 0.0552% +234 51670018 0.0540% +231 41 5116 789 0.0540% +1 234 567 8902 ext. 3456 0.0540% +2034 501 111 0.0516% +23 141 506 7000 ext. 8092 0.0504% +234 5111611 ext 7189 0.0504% +234 1 506 7 819 0.0504% +234 1 5617180 0.0492% 01213 0.0492% + 23 04 5110 6007 0.0480% +234 567892 ext 3456 0.0480% +23 01 45 67 18 92 0.0468% 0121 304 5607 0.0468% (203) 456 0781 0.0444% +231 4 5678 9123 0.0444% 23-456-0700 0.0444% +23 45106 718 0.0444% +23 4567 89230 ext 111 0.0432% 100 0.0420% +23 1 4567 89 02 0.0420% 23-145-678-9200 0.0420% +23 1 4567800 ext. 9234 0.0420% +23 045110 6718 0.0408% +230 456078 0.0396% 23-4-567-8911 0.0372% +1 234 5678923 0.0360% +020-3045167 0.0360% +23 456 780 00 ext 10 0.0360% +23 0 141 567 8923 0.0348% +23 4567 89 000 0.0348% +23 04 506789 20 0.0348% 2304 5000 0.0336% +234 1 5617180 ext. 9010 0.0336% +23 0456 7892 31 0.0336% +21-10-3456789 0.0336% +02 341 5678 0.0336% +0121 304 5067 0.0312% +23 01456 718000 0.0312% +23 45607892 ext. 3401 0.0300% +231 45678 9123 0.0300% +20 341 56789 0.0300% 201-345-6700 ext. 892 0.0288% +23 11451 6100 0.0288% +213 45 678923 0.0288% +1 23 4567 8092 0.0288% + 23 1 45 06 07 81 0.0288% +234-56078902 0.0276% +21 341 560 70089 0.0264% +23 1 4567800 ext. 11923 0.0264% +23 40 56789-110 0.0264% +2345 6007892 ext. 100 0.0252% 01203410567 0.0252% +1 (203) 456-7892 0.0252% + 203 456 0789 0.0252% +231 415116718 0.0252% 020 3456 0170 0.0240% +21-10-341-5678 0.0240% +21 10 34 56 708 0.0240% +1 231 4 56 1789 0.0240% +23 40 5678923 ext. 1401 0.0228% +203-4516-7819 0.0228% +23 04 51101 ext. 601 0.0228% +234 5 678 92 31 0.0228% +2301 0.0216% 123-1456 0.0216% +23 10 45067801 ext. 9023 0.0216% +203-456 0708 0.0216% + 23 1 4567 8923 0.0204% +23 04 5110 ext. 6789 0.0204% +231 4567892 ext. 3456 0.0204% 01234 516789 0.0204% +2 031 456789 0.0192% +23 (0)40 5617 8902 0.0192% +20 1 3456 710 0.0192% 203- 456-7892 0.0192% +20 1 345617 0.0192% +234 567 80923 0.0192% +2 03 451 6708 0.0192% +23 0145 67 89 20 0.0192% +23 4 05 6789 2345 0.0180% + 21 10 3045678 0.0180% +23 411 567892 13 0.0180% +23 4 5678920 ext 3401 0.0180% +23 451 67890 11 0.0168% +21 3 45 167 892 0.0168% +23 10 45067801-9023 0.0168% +23-04-5110-6708 0.0168% +23 415678920 ext. 3415 0.0168% +1 234 567 8923 x4500/IR 61 0.0168% 203-456-7000 x 101 0.0168% 213-456-0178 x911 0.0168% +21 10 304 0.0156% +23 01456 71 8921 0.0156% +230 4567 0.0156% +23 40 5678 -9234 0.0156% +02 3405670 0.0156% 231/456-7890 0.0156% 234-567-8921 x3415 0.0156% +203-4516 7892 0.0156% +23 141 560 78 92 0.0156% +2110341 5678 0.0156% +21-10-341 5601 0.0156% +23 141 506 7000 ext 8092 0.0156% 010 2345167 0.0144% 23456789 0.0144% +234 56789 0.0144% +234 1 5067 801 0.0144% +23 4567 89-2345 0.0144% 203-456-7189 x 10 0.0144% +23 45 671-8923 0.0144% +2 01 03041560 0.0132% +231-456-7892 0.0132% +23 04 5110.6789 0.0132% +23 04 51101 6789 0.0132% +234 506 781 0.0132% +23 45067 80921 0.0132% +011 23 40 5678 1092 0.0132% +21 31 4506 00710 0.0132% +23 4567 809 0 0.0132% +1 000 000 000 0.0132% +234 567 8923 405 0.0132% +20 31 45678 0.0132% 201-345-6700 x18 0.0120% +23 456 708900 ext. 2301 0.0120% +23 14 1 567 8923 0.0120% +20-34-567891 0.0120% +23 (0)405 678 9100 0.0120% + 21 0 341 5607 0.0120% +2311 4516700 0.0120% +23 1 4567 ext. 8923 0.0120% 234-567- 0.0120% 2134560178EXT923 0.0108% 234-567 8092 0.0108% 1 213 451 6780 0.0108% +1 231456 7811 0.0108% + 231 4567 1892 0.0108% + 23 040 5678 1923 0.0108% +20 3 4516-7892 0.0108% +21 0 10 341 5011 0.0108% +23 4567 8000 ext 9020 0.0108% 231.456.0789 x10 0.0108% +001 231 456 7892 0.0108% +23 4560 100 0.0108% 234-567-8923 Ext. 10 0.0108% + 23 1456 718923 0.0108% 2034567891ext11 0.0108% +23 1456 789230 ext. 4506 0.0096% +23 11 40567891 ext 2340 0.0096% +23 45 678 9230 10 0.0096% +01-231-456-7189 0.0096% +0021345678923 0.0096% +2304 5110 6789 0.0096% + 01 23 40 56 78 0.0096% +21 3 110 451 67 0.0096% +231 415 116 789 0.0096% 2034567 0.0096% +203 4 561171 ext 181 0.0096% +23.40.5678-9230 0.0096% + 23 1456 789 234 0.0096% +234 5 600 7890 ext 120 0.0096% +203 - 4516 7892 0.0096% +21 10 3456 0 0.0096% + 21 3 45 16 7892 0.0096% +20 1 34 56 000 0.0096% +231 450101 ext. 600 0.0096% +23 4 567 8000 ext 000 0.0084% +23-4567 8923 0.0084% +23 04 51101 ext. 06789 0.0084% +21-0345-678902 0.0084% + 21 34 567 89 23 0.0084% +21 10 345 6700 ext. 8900 0.0084% +23 456 70 0 8900 0.0084% +231456 789201 0.0084% + 20 1 3456789 0.0084% 01234 56 7809 0.0084% +231 456 78 92 0.0084% +23 4 50016 718 0.0084% +231 41 511 67 18 0.0084% 234-567-8902 ext 103 0.0084% +1 234 501 0.0084% +23 1 4567 0.0084% +23 045 6780 9123 ext. 4005 0.0072% 213/4567018 0.0072% +23 4567 89 21 0.0072% +21 134-567892 0.0072% +23 45 670 0000 ext. 00080 0.0072% +234 1-5601700 -89234 0.0072% +203 4516-7892 0.0072% +21 0300 4056780 0.0072% +20 34 56 7 892 0.0072% +023405607 0.0072% +23 40 560 710 89 0.0072% + 23 1 4560 708 0.0072% +2(3456)708902 0.0072% +23 04 5110 - 6708 0.0072% +23 1 4567800 ext. 9 234 0.0072% +234 51 11 61 781 0.0072% 234-50-67-89-213 0.0072% 023-4567892 0.0072% +21 345 607809 ext 234 0.0072% +21 30 405 0 0.0072% +23 145 67 89 0 0.0072% +23 40 5678 9200 3456 0.0072% + 21 3 45167892 0.0072% +23 1 45 678923 0.0072% +23 456 780 00 ext 0 0.0072% +213 41 56 07 89 0.0072% +21 0 345 678 912 0.0072% +1 234 5671 0.0072% +23 4 567 0891 ext.1231 0.0072% +23 0145 678911 ext 234 0.0072% +21 345 607809 0000 0.0072% 234-567-8921 x 3 0.0072% 01 23 45 61 17 0.0072% +21 134 567 0 0.0060% +23 01456 789 110 0.0060% +23 40 560710-11 0.0060% +1 234 567 8923 x4567/8923 0.0060% +23 1 0400 516 789 0.0060% +23 4567-8912 0.0060% +23 141 567 ext 1811 0.0060% 21-30-411-1506 0.0060% 2134516789x213 0.0060% +00 23 141 506 7892 0.0060% +02 341 561 78 0.0060% +21 31 4506 78 91 0.0060% +20034 501106 0.0060% 230 0451 0.0060% 00-234-5-678-9234 0.0060% +23 04567892314 0.0060% +234 567892 ext 34 0.0060% +23 1 4567800 ext. 0-920 0.0060% +1 2314567189 0.0060% 01234 567 892 0.0060% +23-04-51106780 0.0060% +21-345-607891 0.0060% +2130 405 67 89 0.0060% 0121 3456708 0.0060% +234 506708 ext. 9203 0.0060% +234 1 506 789 0.0060% 1234567081ex109 0.0060% +23 141 560 -1789 0.0060% +203 - 451 6789 0.0060% +21 345-6 78923 0.0060% +2 013456710 0.0060% 231456-7892 0.0060% +00 21 30 411 5167 0.0060% + 23 4567 8921 0.0060% +234 1 506 07181 0.0060% +21 30 4100 0.0060% +2 034 5678920 ext. 3456 0.0060% +1 234 0.0060% +23 141 567 0.0048% (230)456-7800 #9023 0.0048% +23 141 567 0 8923 0.0048% +1 231.456.7892 0.0048% +231 41 567 0.0048% X-2345 0.0048% +02345 161 789 0.0048% +23 1456 78 92304 0.0048% +23 1 451161 ext 789 0.0048% +23 04 5110 6789-2341 0.0048% +23 045 6780 9123 ext.4005 0.0048% +234 1561 70892 0.0048% +231 4151167891 0.0048% +0234 56789231 0.0048% +234 1 5601700 ext 89020 0.0048% +23 4 567-8923 0.0048% +21 030-4056708 0.0048% + 23 4 567 00 18 0.0048% -1231 0.0048% + 213 451-6708 0.0048% 23-1456-789213 0.0048% 0234 561789 0.0048% +23 10 450678019102 0.0048% + 234 1 5067801 0.0048% +00231415067819 0.0048% + 21 134 567108 0.0048% +23141 567 8901 0.0048% +21 (0)10 304 5678 0.0048% +21 30-4056178 0.0048% +23 4567 8192/3145 0.0048% +23 41 56789213 ext.104 0.0048% +1 203 456 7819/1023 0.0048% +21.10.3004156 0.0048% +2 0341 56780 0.0048% +231 451 678923 0.0048% +21 345 67 0 0.0048% +234 1 567 0892 0345 0.0048% 012034567 0.0048% 002301045061 0.0048% +21-3-45167089 0.0048% + 23 04 516789 0.0048% 23 01 4567 8923 0.0048% +011 23 141 567 8902 0.0048% +23 01 45 67 8912 0.0048% +21 0341-560789 0.0048% +234 567089 ext. 23 0.0048% + 2 03 4516 7892 0.0048% 0 0.0048% + 201 3456789 0.0048% 213-456-7089 Ext 10 0.0036% + 1 231-456-7892 0.0036% +21 10 345678902 0.0036% +231 41 567 89 02-00 0.0036% +23 04 51101 ext. .6781 0.0036% +1 234 567 8923x4501 0.0036% +23 4 567 0891 ext 1213,4516 0.0036% 231--456-1789 0.0036% +23 (0) 40 5678 9123 0.0036% +23 141-567-8902 0.0036% +213 41 560078 ext 1902 0.0036% 231-456-7891. 0.0036% +23 1 45610 ext 7892 0.0036% 213-451-11111 0.0036% +23 04 51101 ext 6107 0.0036% +23 4561 78100 19 0.0036% +23045607 0.0036% +23 41 516 7000 ext 8092 0.0036% 231-456-789002 0.0036% +234 1 5601700 89123 0.0036% +23-141-506 7892 0.0036% + 23 14567800 0.0036% +23 456 789200 34560 0.0036% +23 1 456 10 7892 0.0036% + 23 0141 567 8900 0.0036% +23 4567 xxxx 0.0036% 203-45-6789 0.0036% 23 141 567 8923 0.0036% +234 1 567 8902 ext 3451 0.0036% +23 1 4506000 ext.7892 0.0036% + 23 04 56171890 0.0036% +234 56 78923 ext. 111 0.0036% +213456 78912 0.0036% +21 10 345.... 0.0036% 203-456-7189 ext.12 0.0036% +1 231 456 -7892 0.0036% +21 10 300.4156 0.0036% +23 456 78912 3415 0.0036% 23 1 45 67 89 23 0.0036% +23 40 567008-0 0.0036% +23045110 6789 0.0036% +23 4 567 0891ext 1121 0.0036% +00 1234 56 0.0036% +2-03-4516-7819 0.0036% + 21 30 41 15 678 0.0036% +23 1 01 40 51 67 00 0.0036% +02-30456171 0.0036% +21 3 456 70 819 0.0036% 2.34E+15 0.0036% +1 (234) 567 8923 0.0036% +023 04 5110 6781 0.0036% 234-506-789 0.0036% +23 40 5678-0 0.0036% (203)-456-7892 0.0036% +21 10 34 56781 0.0036% +203 456-1718 0.0036% +234 567 8923 ext 456 0.0036% +234 50 67819 0.0036% +234 51 678923 ext 456 0.0036% +234567 8000 0.0036% +23 456 7892000 ext.3405 0.0036% +23 4567 8192-3456 0.0036% +23 45 678- 92030 0.0036% +234 51 671 891 0.0036% +230 4 5116 07108 0.0036% +23 4 516 7801 ext. 9213 0.0036% +23 141 506 7000 ext.8019 0.0036% +23 0 040 5678 9231 0.0036% +23 1 0.0036% + 23 1456 71 8902 0.0036% + 21 345 67 8923 0.0036% +23-40-5678 9234 0.0036% +23 1 45 67 0.0036% +23 45 6789123 ext. 100 0.0036% +2130411 0.0036% +23 040 56789234 0.0036% +2 0310 456078 0.0036% 203-456-XXXX 0.0036% +23 1 4560 7892^03^ 0.0036% +2 01 0.0024% +23 405678-0923 0.0024% 0021 10 304 5678 0.0024% +23 41 567 0800 ext. 901 0.0024% +231 41 511 16010 0.0024% +23 014560 100 0.0024% +21 3 4500 6001 ext. 7892 0.0024% + 2345 0.0024% +23 141 567 8902 - 3045 0.0024% +21 030 405 6780/9234 0.0024% +2 034 567 89 23 0.0024% +1 234-501 6789 0.0024% +23 141 560 .... 0.0024% 23 1 4567 8101 0.0024% +23 4 5678921 0345 0.0024% +234 5 67892 ext 3456 0.0024% + 1 213 456-1007 0.0024% +23 1456 781921 1341 0.0024% + 23 405678 9234 0.0024% +23 40 516 789-23 0.0024% +23 4 5678 .... 0.0024% +20-3-456-7189 0.0024% 21 3456789234 0.0024% +234 11 5617890 ext 23456 0.0024% +203 456 1700 8923 0.0024% +21.10.345 6780 0.0024% +23.1456.789023 0.0024% 231-456 0.0024% EXT 1213 0.0024% 0023 141 567 8923 0.0024% +23 40 567 89 120 0.0024% +2034 50 1167 0.0024% + 2130456 7811 0.0024% +23 045110 ext. 6789 0.0024% +23-1-450617 0.0024% 234-5-670-0008 0.0024% +23 1 4567800 ext. -9234 0.0024% +231-415116708 0.0024% +23 4 5671 89.23 0.0024% +21311045 607 0.0024% +23-1456-781-923 0.0024% +2 011 34 56 780 9203 0.0024% +21 10 - 345 6071 0.0024% (213) 451- 6078 0.0024% +23 40 1567 892340 0.0024% 234 56 711892 0.0024% + 231 41 5116789 0.0024% +23 4 56 7800 0.0024% 0230 4501 106 0.0024% +23 4 516 780 0.0024% 203-4516-7809 0.0024% +23 40 5678.... 0.0024% +20 34 -567892 0.0024% +2 34516 78923 0.0024% +21.10.341.5678 0.0024% 23-1-456-789002 0.0024% +20 34 - 567 892 0.0024% 234-506-789-230 0.0024% +21 - 30 - 405 6789 0.0024% 234-567-8921 x 3456 or 7809 0.0024% +21 30 405 -6789 0.0024% +23 40-5678-9234 0.0024% 2345-6708 0.0024% +2-03-4516789 0.0024% +23 4 56 78 92345 0.0024% + 2341 506 7819 0.0024% +23 45607 892 10 0.0024% 2345678912x11 0.0024% +23 4 567-0891 ext 2134 0.0024% +23 40 56789-0 0.0024% +23 411 561-1789 0.0024% +234 1 5601700 ext. 89200 0.0024% 203) 456-7892 0.0024% +23 40 56 107 890 0.0024% +21 0304156 789 0.0024% + 21 103045678 0.0024% +23-405-6789234 0.0024% +234 511161-789 0.0024% +234 1 567 8902 ext 34 0.0024% +2034-567809 0.0024% +234 51 678191 ext. 2311 0.0024% 234 5 601789 0.0024% +0200-3045670 0.0024% +23-40-56708-921 0.0024% ++ 234 1 5167 809 0.0024% +231 45 6789123-4 ext. 5016 0.0024% 231.456-7892 0.0024% +0021 30 405 6789 0.0024% +23.451.6700118 0.0024% +234 5678 923 456 0.0024% 203451 0.0024% +21 30 450 6789-2034 0.0024% +21 30 4115678-9234567 0.0024% 234 1 5067892 0.0024% +234-1-5067 891 0.0024% +23 4567.... 0.0024% +23-10-45067801 ext. 9200 0.0024% + 234 1 506 7891 0.0024% 231-456- 7892 0.0024% +23 10 45067801 9234 0.0024% + 21 3 45 167 892 0.0024% +23 (0) 1456 781923 0.0024% +23 04 5110.1 ext. 16789 0.0024% +23 04-51106789 0.0024% 234-5-678902 0.0024% + 213-456-7892 0.0024% +1 213 456 78923 0.0024% +21 - 30 - 411 56 17 0.0024% +234-1-506-7819 0.0024% +23 04 5110 ext. .6789 0.0024% +23 4 56 78 9 0.0024% 010230456017892 0.0024% + 23 45678923456 0.0024% +20 3-4516 7811 0.0024% +23 141 506 ext.7089 0.0024% 230-456--1789 0.0024% +2 0310 0.0024% +23 045 67809123 ext.4015 0.0024% +23 451 671-1 0.0024% 01234-567892 0.0024% 02-30456117 0.0024% 0234567-8920 0.0024% +23-405-1607 892 0.0024% +21 345 607809 ext. 02345 0.0024% +23 405 1607 0 0.0024% +21-304561789 0.0024% +23 4561 100-0 0.0024% +230405 678 9234 0.0024% +23 1 45678191 ext. 2131 0.0024% 203-456-7811 x -9234 0.0024% +2 01 3041 0.0024% +23 45 6178 92 0.0024% +23 145 67 08 923 0.0024% +23 141 560 7892-3450 0.0024% (203) 456- 0.0024% +21 030-411 5678 0.0024% +23 1456 789230... 0.0024% +21-30-405.6789 0.0024% +23 141 506 ext. 7189 0.0024% +23 4 516 0 0.0024% +21 3456 0.0024% +23 (0)40 5617 0.0024% 234-567-8921 ext 3456 0.0024% +23 4 567 0891 ext 0.0024% +203 456 0 1708 0.0024% +23 0.0024% 234-567-8902 ext103 0.0024% +1 0.0024% (203) 456-7189X 12 0.0024% 213-451-1161 ext 7 0.0024% +234 506708 ext 0.0024% + 23 011 4561708 0.0024% +21 10 0.0024% 2345678011Ext9002 0.0024% 2134567892ex13 0.0012% +23 40 561070 - 819 0.0012% +23 4567-89230 0.0012% +23 141 506 7000 x 8923 0.0012% +1 203-456-1789 X234 0.0012% +23 141 567 ext 0 0.0012% +23 4156 789 - 234 0.0012% +2311 451-6178 0.0012% +231 4567892 ext. - 0.0012% +23 456 789200 345 0.0012% +23 0 0405 678 9234 0.0012% +23 1 405 678923 0.0012% + 23 1 451678 0.0012% 213- 456- 7800 0.0012% +23 04 5110(1) ext. 6718 0.0012% +203 - 45167892 0.0012% +23 1456 789... 0.0012% +231 41 5116... 0.0012% 01 234 560780 0.0012% +20 1 34 56178 0.0012% 0234-567811 0.0012% +23 1 4567 ext. 892 0.0012% +21 30 456 1780/9231 0.0012% 2034567819/2034567809 0.0012% +23 451 ???????? 0.0012% 234-567- 8920 x13 0.0012% +23 04 5110 6789-+23 04 50678 9234 0.0012% 2-345 0.0012% +23 4 567 0892 ext345 0.0012% +234 51 678000-9 0.0012% 0200 34156178 0.0012% +1 -213-456-0780 0.0012% +21 0 30 456 0.0012% +231456-718923 0.0012% +1 203-456-7809. 0.0012% +0021 0304 567 8923 0.0012% 213 - 456 - 7819 0.0012% +23 456 0.0012% +23 4567 89-0 0.0012% +23 4 56 78 92 0.0012% 213 456-7108- 0.0012% +23 4 567 8921/+31 45 678 912 0.0012% (234) 567-8912X113 0.0012% +23405678-9230 0.0012% +2 011 34 506 780 9234 0.0012% +1 230 456 78 0.0012% 0.0012% +234 5 600 7892 ext. 134 0.0012% (234) 567-8921 x 3456 0.0012% +23 141 567.... 0.0012% +1 231 4 561789 0.0012% + 23 40 567 08 910 0.0012% +23 40- 5006 7819 0.0012% + 23 1 +4567800 0.0012% +231 456 0.0012% +23 41- 567892 0.0012% _203 451 6789 0.0012% +231415067000 ext.8923 0.0012% +21 134 56.... 0.0012% +234 51 6701111 ext. 1891 0.0012% +23 40 5678 - 0.0012% +21-345-678 192 0.0012% +1 234 501- 0.0012% +0023-40-56789230 0.0012% +203 4 561171 ext 1 0.0012% +203- 4516 7892 0.0012% +1 231 456 0000 ext 111 0.0012% +21 (0)345 678 923 0.0012% +23 0145 678911 ext. 234 0.0012% +011 23 0 405 670 8923 0.0012% +234 5 610789-2 0.0012% +234 567 8923456 0.0012% +23 01456 - 78- 9102 0.0012% +21 134 56 0.0012% +234-1-5067892 0.0012% 0023 40 5678 9231 0.0012% 231 456 0.0012% +203 4156701- 18 0.0012% +23 40 5678-902 0.0012% 23- 145-678-1923 0.0012% +23 (0) 141 567 8092 0.0012% +23 141 567 8923 - 4567 - 8923 0.0012% +21 345 678-923 0.0012% +2 031 0 0.0012% +2-034-5678920 0.0012% 0023145678923 0.0012% +23 45 607-89230 0.0012% 2345678092*103 0.0012% 23 0 400 516 789 0.0012% +23 40 567892 0 0.0012% +20 1 010-3041567 0.0012% +234 5 678 - 9234, 5678 or 9234 ext 56 0.0012% 23-450-6789-213 0.0012% +234 5 610789/2 0.0012% 011-231-45 678-1923 0.0012% +20 1 304151617 0.0012% +23 1 456 01 70 11 0.0012% +00 23 1 45678923 0.0012% +1-231-456 7891 0.0012% +231 415 678 92 0.0012% +23 0 1405 678923 0.0012% +23 4567 89 2345-6789 0.0012% +23- 40 5678 9234 0.0012% + 23 01456 71 8923 0.0012% +1 23 40 5678 9213 0.0012% +01 234 501 xxxx 0.0012% +21-345-67892 0.0012% +1 213 451 1678^09^ 0.0012% +2301456 71 8923 0.0012% + 234 5670181 ext. 0.0012% +21 345 - 6 78902 0.0012% (234)567-8912 ext.113 0.0012% + 23 01456 789 234 0.0012% +234 05678923405 0.0012% +21 30456 0.0012% +234 1-5601700 - 0.0012% +21 101-3456-789 0.0012% +1 203 456 7892 Gondor City 0.0012% +21 11 3456178 ext. 9 2 3 0.0012% +20 1 3456 780-1 0.0012% +234 51 670 1111ext. 1892 0.0012% +23 4 56 78 9234 5670 0.0012% 0234 50678 9203 0.0012% +23 01 450678, 092314561 0.0012% +00231 451 678 092 0.0012% +20-34 567892 0.0012% 21 030405 6710 0.0012% +23 40 560 710-0 0.0012% +231 45-67-1892 0.0012% +231 4 567892 ext. 34567 0.0012% +23 4 567.00.80 0.0012% + 234 15 670891 0.0012% + 23 4 511 161 708 0.0012% 0023-45678923 0.0012% +23141 5067892 0.0012% 2134567118;9123415678 0.0012% 23 40 5678 0 0.0012% 010 230456017892 0.0012% +23 40 56789-0 Ext. 2 311 0.0012% + 23 04 51 678 9234 0.0012% +21-30.4567081 0.0012% 234-567-0892 (Pager) 0.0012% +23 45678923 4567 0.0012% +23.04.5110.6789 0.0012% +21 - 3 - 45 16 71 80 0.0012% + 23456078 0.0012% +01 234-5678 0.0012% ++234 1 5167 809 0.0012% +21 - 3- 11045678 0.0012% Sorgum 010 200 3(101) 0.0012% +23 1456 789230 ext 4105 0.0012% 21 10 341 5670 0.0012% + 234 506 78 9234 0.0012% 230/456/7819 0.0012% +201 3 40506 ext. 0708 0.0012% Folley: 231-4516 0.0012% 00231 4 5670892 0.0012% +23(0)1415678923 0.0012% +23 1 45 60 - 78 90 0.0012% +234 56-7892 0.0012% 1123,1145 0.0012% 12134516789Ext213 0.0012% 200-345-6780x9023 0.0012% +1 (203)456 7809 0.0012% 2345 ou 6789 0.0012% +23 45601 789 0 0.0012% 0021 0 30411 5678 0.0012% +21 11 345 6178-9-2 0.0012% +2 0345 0 67892 0.0012% +1 234-567 1891 x2341 0.0012% + 21304115678 0.0012% +23 40- 567 08 923 0.0012% +23 1 45 67 800 ext. 923 0.0012% +234 5607.... 0.0012% +23 4056789 0 0.0012% 234.567.8902x103 0.0012% +21 - 30 - 456-7189 0.0012% +23-405678-9234 0.0012% + 203 4516-7810 0.0012% +23-4567-8923 0.0012% +23 0 141 5678923 0.0012% +231 4516 718 0.0012% +21(0)30 456 1789 0.0012% +21(0)3045 67890 0.0012% +201 34 51 670 0.0012% +23 40 56789 0 0.0012% 234 506 789 213 0.0012% 010-23045601 0.0012% +002310 45067801-9213 0.0012% +23-405-678 ext. 9012 0.0012% 234/567-8912ext34 0.0012% +23 041 56789234-0 0.0012% +23 4561 7 892 0.0012% +23 0456718-0 0.0012% +23-140115 0.0012% 00 234 511161708 0.0012% +23 4156 789 02 0.0012% +23 4 05 67892300 0.0012% +21345-678192 0.0012% +234 567 892 340 5 0.0012% +23 0405678 9234 0.0012% +230 45 678-9231 0.0012% +234 1 5678190-23 Ext. 4005 0.0012% +23 41 567891/2 0.0012% + 234567800 0.0012% +0023 0141-567-8912 0.0012% +20.3. 4516780 0.0012% 2345670890 x 12 0.0012% +234 (0)1 5678902 0.0012% +23 4567 890-2345 0.0012% +1213-456-7189 0.0012% +23 40 56107 08920 0.0012% +23 1 456 10 ext 7892 0.0012% +230 4 560 78 923 0.0012% + 23 1 45 67 800 0.0012% +1 213-4567181 0.0012% +00213 041 56789 0.0012% +234 5678923 405 0.0012% 230 456 7800 ext.923 0.0012% +21 30 45 0.0012% 213-451-6789 / 231-456-7892 0.0012% +2311 451 - 6171 0.0012% 234 561 78923 0.0012% +23 40 5678923 ext.1415 0.0012% +23 04 50678.912 0.0012% 234 567 8923 ext. 405 0.0012% +234-51-6789234 0.0012% +2-034-567-89-21 0.0012% +21 345 67 8923-1 0.0012% +23 1 415 67809 2345 0.0012% +23 4 567 89 21 ext. 345 0.0012% + 23 0145678923 0.0012% 02030456789HAL 0.0012% 234-567-8111 x.111 0.0012% +23 1456 78 9 234 0.0012% +23 04 506789.1 0.0012% 234.516.7080 x923 0.0012% +2 03 4516-7892 0.0012% +234 51 670 1111 ext. 1890 0.0012% +23 04 506789.. 0.0012% + 23 1 451678923 0.0012% +20 1 3456... 0.0012% +21 345 678 910 2 0.0012% +234 1 56781902 3405 0.0012% +21 10 300 4156 7118 0.0012% 203.450678 0.0012% +23 4567xxxx 0.0012% +2 01 3456 178 0.0012% +2 314 567 1819 ext. 23 0.0012% +2 034 56 7189 0.0012% 01 234 510 670 0.0012% +234 1 56 78092 0.0012% +23 40560017-0 0.0012% +23 1 4560700 ext. 89 0.0012% + 2 03 451 6789 0.0012% +21-345 678 923 0.0012% +23-1-40115 0.0012% +23 451 67892-0 0.0012% 234.567.8921 x3456 0.0012% +1 23 45 670 890 0.0012% + 0.0012% 1-203-456-01781 0.0012% +23 4 5607892-31 0.0012% +23 0451101-6781 0.0012% +23 141 567 8192 - 3405 - 678 9123 0.0012% +234 50 67 89 0.0012% + 23 415678920 ext. 3456 0.0012% +23.4567.89020 0.0012% +23 450 - 678 09 0.0012% +231045067801--9231 0.0012% +203 456 78923/40 0.0012% +21-3-4500-6017 0.0012% +23 1 4567 ext 8923 0.0012% 23 45 678 000 0.0012% 234-567-8902-103 0.0012% +23 4567.8923 0.0012% +23 045 6780 9123ext. 4105 0.0012% +20 10 3456700 - 1 0.0012% 234-567-8923x405 0.0012% +21 345 6-78923 0.0012% +203 41506 789 0.0012% +23 0141-560-7892 0.0012% + 23 0 4056789234 0.0012% +23 11 4567 0892 ext 103 0.0012% 011-23-1456-789001 0.0012% (234) 51 67 89 12 0.0012% +1 213 456 7000 ext 8902 (Baz) 0.0012% 00230145678923 0.0012% 230-456-7891, x-23. 0.0012% +23.405 678 9234 0.0012% +1 234 567 0891 ext-213 0.0012% +230-415-678921 0.0012% +23 4156 789 2-1 0.0012% +23 04506 7892-13 0.0012% (0)1234 567892 0.0012% +23 04 5110 . 6718 0.0012% +2034516 ext 7892 0.0012% +23 4 567 18920 0.0012% 234 05 00 0.0012% +234 0506 78 9213 0.0012% +20 3-4516071 0.0012% +23 40 56708 9-123 0.0012% +23 4567 89 -2345 0.0012% +203 4156701 - 08 0.0012% 23 0141 560 1789 0.0012% +231 4567892 ext - 0.0012% +1 234 567 8912 1-304-567-8092 0.0012% +1 23 45 670 8901 0.0012% +23 (0)-45-67-08-92 0.0012% +201 3 40506 ext 789 0.0012% 234- 0.0012% +2034516-7892 0.0012% +23 04 5110.1 ext.6789 0.0012% +23 (0)4561 178 1921 0.0012% +1 231 -456 7891 0.0012% +21-30-4156 789 0.0012% 012 345678 0.0012% +234 56 789200-13 0.0012% +234 1 5678190-2 Ext. 3405 0.0012% 0200 345 678 0.0012% +2 03-451 6789 0.0012% +21 30 405 67892 ext 3456 0.0012% +0023 41567 89231 0.0012% +23 40 5 6 07 10 80 0.0012% 23 01456 789 200 0.0012% +1 203 456 7819-2345 0.0012% + 23 0.0012% +2340-5678-9234 0.0012% + 011 23 1456 7892 31 0.0012% (23) 456-789-2345 0.0012% +21 3 4567 89 0 0.0012% +2340-5678 9234 0.0012% 2345- 0.0012% 0203045-6789, -2345 0.0012% + 23 4 56 78 0.0012% +23 04 506789.1. 0.0012% +23 04 506789.23 0.0012% +230405678 9234 0.0012% +203 456 1700 -892 0.0012% +23 04 5110.1 0.0012% +1 203 456 7 0.0012% +2 314 50 67 089 0.0012% (234) 516-000 0.0012% + 234 567 0891 ext. 2345 0.0012% +23-451-60078-19 0.0012% +23 01456 78 92 34 0.0012% 2034567890/EXT112 0.0012% +23 045-67809234 0.0012% +2-03-45167891 0.0012% +23 41 5678... 0.0012% +23 1 4516.... 0.0012% +234 56 789. 0.0012% +23 45678921 ext 103 0.0012% +23 456 78 92 03 / 41 5670 819 0.0012% 0021 (0) 30 456 1781 0.0012% +21.30.405.67.80 0.0012% +23 0 4056789023 0.0012% +21 34 5678 ext 9234 0.0012% +1 213 456- 7892 0.0012% 00234 5 678912 0.0012% +21 (0)30 405 6780/9234 0.0012% +23 4567 8091\\23 0.0012% +2301456 718920 0.0012% 234-567-0890ext12 0.0012% +23 01045067801 ext.9021 0.0012% 203-456-7811x 9230 0.0012% +23-40-516789-12 0.0012% 210-345-6170q 0.0012% +23 0.0012% +23 1 451161 ext708 0.0012% +0 1 231-456-7892 0.0012% 231 4567-8923 0.0012% + 234 567 0891 ext 1213 0.0012% + 23 01405 67890 0.0012% +234567 89 2345 0.0012% 2130456 7892 0.0012% +20 34 - 567892 0.0012% +1 213 456 ???? 0.0012% 213-405-1678 pgr 0.0012% 12134567108ext92 0.0012% +23 04 5110.1 ext. 6789 0.0012% +1 EMAIL ONLY 0.0012% +23 4516-780 0.0012% 213-450-6708E x 19 0.0012% +23.04.5110. 6789 0.0012% +23 04567 189 2345 0.0012% [213]4567811 0.0012% +2-034 567 8920 0.0012% +2310-45067801-9231 0.0012% +1 23 4 567 8092 0.0012% 213.-451-6789 0.0012% +23-10-4506-7892 ext. 3045 0.0012% +23 41 5678901-2 0.0012% + 21-30-4567800 0.0012% (234) 567-8192 EXT 3 0.0012% +234 567 8900 ext. 234 0.0012% +23 0.0012% +23 4567 8920\\31\\45 0.0012% +23 4 5670891 ext. 0.0012% 231- 456- 0.0012% 213-451-6000x7 0.0012% 21-345-67-8923 0.0012% 23 04 51 678 9234 0.0012% +23 4 5678921 ext 345 0.0012% + 2340 5678 9234 0.0012% +20 1 3045100 ext 67 0.0012% +2 03-4567 8923 0.0012% "+1 213 456 7892" 0.0012% + 00 23 1456 718 092 0.0012% +21 30 - 456 78 92 0.0012% +234 567891 ext. 21-3 0.0012% 23 0.0012% 203-456-7800x92304 0.0012% 23 1456 781923 0.0012% 231 41 5116781 0.0012% +1 213 456 XXXX 0.0012% 231 456-0789 ext. 10 0.0012% 01-23-45-60-78 0.0012% +23 - 405 - 678 9123 0.0012% 213-451-1161 ext. 7 0.0012% +23 4567- 819230 0.0012% +23 141 560 7089 0.0012% ++ 20 3456 0.0012% 2-34 567892 0.0012% 23-040-5678-9023 0.0012% +011-23-45-670-0892 0.0012% +234 5 67809023 ext.451 0.0012% +23 45 671 89-2 0.0012% +23 4561 789 23 4 0.0012% 231- 456-0789 12 0.0012% 0021 10 34 56 718 0.0012% (213) 451-6789 ext. 230 0.0012% +23 4156 789-231 0.0012% '+21 30 405 6789 0.0012% + 2 034 567181 0.0012% +20-3-4516 7892 0.0012% +234 5 - 6780 9023 0.0012% +23 4151 6178-10 0.0012% ++23 141 567 8019 0.0012% +21xx xxx xxxx 0.0012% +234 156 780-092 0.0012% +213456-78912 0.0012% +1 23456789023 0.0012% +23 04 500161 ext. 789 0.0012% +203- 456 7189 0.0012% +23141-567 8923 0.0012% ++23-0451106789 0.0012% 213-451-0001- 0.0012% +21 30 411 .... 0.0012% +23 405 160718 0 0.0012% +23 - 04 - 50678 910 0.0012% 1-200-340-5678 ext-912 0.0012% 0021-10-300 4567 0.0012% +23 45 67.81.92 0.0012% +0023 04 5110 6708 0.0012% +23-0-456789231 0.0012% +234 1 5601700-18 0.0012% + 0.0012% +21-345-6 78110 0.0012% +23 45 67 089 0.0012% +20 314 561 7000 8192 0.0012% 2314 5601 7809 0.0012% +20-34- 567800 0.0012% +23 451 678 9234, 5678 0.0012% +23 4156 78912 0 0.0012% (203) 456-7891 EXT.12 0.0012% (213 ) 456-7819 0.0012% 2034567892Hobson/3456789203/PogI 0.0012% + 0.0012% +23 4567 89 -234 0.0012% +234 5 0.0012% +23 4-567 8100 0.0012% +23 0141- 567-8923 0.0012% +23 1456 78.... 0.0012% +201 3 40506 0.0012% +23 456789231 4567 0.0012% +23 - 4105 -617 - 189 0.0012% + 21010 341 5016 0.0012% +0021134 56 10 78 0.0012% +1 231- 456 -7189 0.0012% 203-456-7809 - Bobco 0.0012% +20 34 56 7892 1 0.0012% +23 45 6789200 301 0.0012% +23 1456 789 23456 0.0012% Ext. 2310 0.0012% +23 1 45678 0.0012% +21 3 4567 1 1 0.0012% +23.40.56789234 0.0012% +2-1304 0.0012% +23 40 567892 3456 0.0012% +2340-56789234 0.0012% +23-040-560789-21 0.0012% +23 41567189 21345000 0.0012% +011 23 141 567-8901 0.0012% +23 040 5678-9234 0.0012% +21 345 607809 ext 02345 0.0012% 234 51670018 0.0012% +2 010 3456 789 0.0012% +23 456789 231ext. 4567 0.0012% +21 30 411 5678-9 0.0012% +2 03-4516-7892 0.0012% 21 10 341 0.0012% + 20 345 678 92 00 0.0012% (pager) 203-401-5678 0.0012% +23 4567 89 0 0.0012% (0121) 3456781 0.0012% +23-45678-92310 0.0012% +203 450 6111 ext 78 0.0012% + 23 4 567 0891 ext 1234 0.0012% +23 4 56 11 ext. 7080 0.0012% 23 040 5678 9234 0.0012% 213/ 456-7892 0.0012% +00 21 30 411- 5671 0.0012% +23 40 5678..9234.. 0.0012% +23 4567 8923-40567 0.0012% +1 231- 456- 7892 0.0012% + 23 1 451161 Ext 789 0.0012% +203- 4516789 0.0012% +234 5 06 78 9234 0.0012% 231 456- 7819 0.0012% +23 141 560 7800ext 9230 0.0012% +1 23 45 1167 89 0.0012% +20 3 4516789 2 0.0012% +23 45 607 89 2 0.0012% 0231 0101 45 0.0012% (213456-7892 0.0012% 0231 45670 0.0012% +-23 -405-6789234 0.0012% +230 4 56 078 923 0.0012% + 23 01456 789002 0.0012% +23 - 4567 - 81 923 0.0012% 234-567-8921 x 0.0012% 1-200-345-6780x 9023 0.0012% 020 31 14500 0.0012% ext:2-3104 0.0012% +23.04.5110.1 0.0012% 011-23-41-567891 0.0012% +23 045 67809123 ext. 4110 0.0012% +23-0141-567-8921 0.0012% +21 0 30 405 67 89 0.0012% + 23 (0) 405 678 1912 0.0012% + 21 10 341 0.0012% +23 41 5670 0 892 0.0012% + 203 - 451-6789 0.0012% 23 45 6700000 0.0012% +02-341 5678 0.0012% +23-4-567 8921 0.0012% 2 3456 708921 0.0012% +234567892 13 0.0012% +23-45-61-78-92 0.0012% +1 (203) xxx xxxx 0.0012% 23 01456 781923 0.0012% +1 234 567 8902-110 0.0012% +2110 34 56 718 0.0012% +23 11 451 - 6789 0.0012% +23 04 51101.6718 0.0012% 21-30-41-11-506 0.0012% +21 345 67 89231 4 0.0012% .213.451.6178 0.0012% +234 1-5601700 0.0012% 00 23 1 45 67 80 19 0.0012% +234 567 89 23456 0.0012% +21 10 134 561078 0.0012% +2310450678019231 0.0012% +20.3.451-6789 0.0012% +21 01-34-56-78-92 0.0012% +23 4156 0 0.0012% +23 456789 234 ext. 5617 0.0012% +23 1 4567ext. 8009 0.0012% +23 (0) 40 - 56 78 91 20 0.0012% +1 213 456 7089 (x203) 0.0012% + 23 0 141 567 8923 0.0012% +23 4 5670891 ext 0.0012% 0.0012% + 2-3456-78-9102 0.0012% 1-200-340-5678 ext.912 0.0012% +23 40 506 1708 921 0.0012% + 23 40 516789-23 0.0012% +234 51 11 61 ext. 780 0.0012% +23 40 56789- 234 0.0012% +2- 3 4516 7809 0.0012% +2310 45067801-9234 0.0012% +23 1 4567800 923 0.0012% + 23 1 45610 ext. 7891 0.0012% +23 45607892 ext. 03401 0.0012% + 0023145671809 0.0012% 00 234516700809 0.0012% +2345 6007892 ext 0.0012% + 21 30 4156 780 0.0012% +23 -141-567-8091 0.0012% +234 5 67892 3415 0.0012% + 23 1456 718923 ext 4150 0.0012% +23 1456 789211 .... 0.0012% +23 4 5678923 ext -456 0.0012% +23 1456-780-923 0.0012% 213-451-6789 xt. 213 0.0012% +23 40 561 07 - 892 0.0012% +234-51-671891 0.0012% +23 4 567 0891 ext. 0.0012% +23 4 56078 91 23 0.0012% 203-456-7180 x-902 0.0012% +23 45 6789 2034 -1156 0.0012% +23 451 67892345/67890234/56789234 ext.1510 0.0012% +23 041 516101718 0.0012% + 02345 607 892 0.0012% +203 4 561171-89 0.0012% +21-(0)30-4111506 0.0012% +23 40 506 7 -8 923 0.0012% +1 234 567 8090 x 234 0.0012% +1 203 456 7892 341 567 8921 0.0012% 234 56 0.0012% +21134 56 7892 0.0012% +2130 4156 780 0.0012% 234-5167-Hexnet 0.0012% + 231 4 5067 892 0.0012% +23 410 56107 892 0.0012% +21 300 - 4056780 0.0012% +23 040 56 00 78 92 0.0012% 0213 410 0 0.0012% +23-40-5678-912 0.0012% + 21 0 10 341 5016 0.0012% +234 506 78 -9230 0.0012% 203-456-7892???????????????????? 0.0012% + 23 4567 89 234 0.0012% +23 405 ????????? 0.0012% 011 21 34 567 8923 0.0012% +0121 3456000 EX 0718 0.0012% +23 45678 ????? 0.0012% +234 5 678 0-91 0.0012% +2 0 0.0012% +23 40 5678 .... 0.0012% +23 415 678 900 2340 0.0012% 213 456 7890 x2304 0.0012% +231 4 56789 110 ext. 112 0.0012% 2310 450678019234 0.0012% +21 341-5-67809