#!/usr/bin/perl -wT # $Id: monkages.pl,v 1.3 2002/08/05 05:31:48 corwin Exp $ # 04 Aug 02 - rattusillegitimus of perlmonks.org # # Freely redistributable under the same terms as perl itself. # # monkages.pl -o HTML > ages.html # # monkages.pl -o PNG > summary.png # # monkages.pl -o PNG -d > detail.png # use strict; use Getopt::Std; # Get output type use LWP::Simple; # Gather the Data use HTML::TableExtract; # Extract the Data use HTML::Template; # Build output HTML use GD::Graph::bars (); # Build output graph my $url = 'http://www.tinymicros.com/pm/index.php?goto=UpcomingBirthdays'; my ( $content, $monks, %agesum, %agedet, $row, %opts ); getopts( 'do:', \%opts ); # Get my command-line options # Get the page unless ( defined( $content = get $url) ) { die "Could not get $url\n"; } # Let's do some parsing my $te = new HTML::TableExtract( headers => [ 'Node ID', 'Name', 'Birthday', 'Days Until', 'Current Age' ] ); $te->parse($content); foreach $row ( $te->rows ) { $monks++; @$row[4] eq '--' ? $agedet{-1}++ : $agedet{ @$row[4] }++; @$row[4] eq '--' ? $agesum{-1}++ : $agesum{ int( @$row[4] / 10 ) }++; } if ( $opts{'o'} && ( $opts{'o'} eq 'PNG' ) ) { my $gd; if ( defined $opts{'d'} ) { $gd = do_graph( 'D', %agedet ); } else { $gd = do_graph( 'S', %agesum ); } print $gd->png; } else { print do_html( \%agesum, \%agedet ); } sub do_html { # Apply the data to the template my ( $agesum, $agedet ) = @_; # Build the details array for the template my ( @details, @summary ); for ( sort bynum keys %agedet ) { push ( @details, { AGE => ( ( $_ == -1 ) ? 'N/A' : $_ ), MONKS => $agedet{$_} } ); } for ( sort bynum keys %agesum ) { push ( @summary, { AGE => ( ( $_ == -1 ) ? 'N/A' : sprintf( "%d - %d", $_ * 10, ( $_ * 10 ) + 9 ) ), MONKS => $agesum{$_} } ); } my $template = HTML::Template->new( filehandle => *DATA ); $template->param( DETAILS => [@details] ); $template->param( SUMMARY => [@summary] ); $template->param( MONKCOUNT => $monks ); return $template->output; } sub bynum { $a <=> $b; } # numeric sorting for great justice sub age_range { my $key = shift; return ( ( $key == -1 ) ? 'N/A' : sprintf( "%d - %d", $key * 10, ( $key * 10 ) + 9 ) ); } sub do_graph { # Build me a graph using GD::Graph and return the GD image my $type = shift; my %agedata = @_; my @data; for ( sort bynum keys %agedata ) { push @{ $data[0] }, ( $type eq 'S' ) ? age_range($_) : ( ( $_ < 0 ) ? 'N/A' : $_ ); push @{ $data[1] }, $agedata{$_}; } my $graph = new GD::Graph::bars( 600, 400 ) || die "$!"; $graph->set( title => 'PerlMonks Age Distribution', x_label => ( ( $type eq 'S' ) ? 'Age Range' : 'Age' ), x_label_position => 1 / 2, y_label => 'Number of Monks', shadow_depth => 3, show_values => 1, bar_spacing => 5, ); return $graph->plot( \@data ); } __DATA__ Perlmonks Age Breakdown

Perlmonks Age Breakdown

monks counted

Age Summary
Age # Monks

Age Details
Age # Monks