s[\B([^\s]*)\B(?=\w)][join'',sort{.5>rand}split'',$1]ge,print while; #### s[\B(\S*)\B(?=\w)][join'',sort{.5>rand}split'',$1]ge,print while; #### s[\B(\w+)\B][join'',sort{.5>rand}split'',$1]ge,print while; #### P:\test>junk Down taht path leis madenss. On the ohter hnad, the road to hlel is peavd with mnilteg slwalbnos. Augltohh the Prel Sloagn is Tehre's More Than One Way to Do It, I htsietae to mkae 10 wyas to do setmonihg. And don't tlel me there isn't one bit of drecfefine between null and space, bsauece taht's etcaxly how much dreneciffe there is. Rdnaal siad it wluod be tguoh to do in sed. He didn't say he didn't udnerasntd sed. Rnaadl udnertsands sed qtuie well. Wchih is why he uess Perl. As usual, I'm oitasrvetng the case to kcnok a few nnrueos loose, but the truth is ullasuy sreeomwhe in the mudlde, uh, mlddie. Of crouse, I rseerve the right to mkae wohlly siuptd changes to Prel if I tnhik they ivrompe the lgnuagae.