#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; @ARGV && shift =~ /^-([sahgc]+)$/ or die << "USAGE"; usage: $0 -[sahg] name1 name2 -- input -s scalar -a array -h hash -g glob (same as -sah) -c suppress lines starting with a # nameN symbol name input file to search USAGE my %mode = map +($_, 1), split //, $1; my (@vars,@matches,$format); push @vars, shift while @ARGV and $ARGV[0] ne '--'; shift; my $name = qr{ @{[ join('|', @vars) ]} }x; my $scalar = qr{ \$ $name (?= [^\w\[\{] ) }x; my $array = qr{ \@ $name (?= \W ) | \$ $name \[ }x; my $hash = qr{ % $name (?= \W ) | [\@\$] $name \{ }x; my $glob = qr{ [\$\@%*] $name (?= \W) }x; my ($flen,$llen) = (0,0); while (<>) { next if $mode{c} and /^\s*#/; if ( ($mode{g} and /$glob/) or ($mode{s} and /$scalar/) or ($mode{a} and /$array/) or ($mode{h} and /$hash/) ) { push @matches, [ $ARGV, $., $_ ]; $flen = length($ARGV) if length($ARGV) > $flen; $llen = length($.) if length($.) > $llen; } } exit unless @matches; $format = '@' . ('>' x ($flen - 1)) . ':' . '@' . ('#' x ($llen - 1)) . ':~' . '^' . ('<' x (80 - $flen - $llen - 4)) . ' ' x ($flen + $llen + 3) . '^' . ('<' x (80 - $flen - $llen - 4)) . "\n"; formline($format, $_->[0], $_->[1], $_->[2], $_->[2]) for @matches; print $^A;