use strict; use warnings; use Test::More tests => 2 * ( 2 + 6 + 6 ); use Carp qw( croak ); sub avoid_utf8 { my ($s) = @_; utf8::downgrade($s, 1) or croak("Input not a string of bytes"); return $s; } sub use_utf8 { my ($s) = @_; utf8::upgrade($s); return $s; } diag("Perl $]"); for ( [ "bj\x{f6}rk", 5, 'hibit' ], [ "b" x 1000, 1000, 'long' ], ) { my ($s, $length, $test_name) = @$_; # length my %length; $length{'0'} = length avoid_utf8 $s; $length{'1'} = length use_utf8 $s; for my $enc (qw( 0 1 )) { is($length{$enc}, $length, "length $test_name $enc"); } # pack 'V/a*' my $expected = pack('V', $length) . $s; my %packed; $packed{'?0'} = pack "V/a*", avoid_utf8 $s; $packed{'?1'} = pack "V/a*", use_utf8 $s; $packed{'00'} = avoid_utf8 pack "V/a*", avoid_utf8 $s; $packed{'01'} = avoid_utf8 pack "V/a*", use_utf8 $s; $packed{'10'} = use_utf8 pack "V/a*", avoid_utf8 $s; $packed{'11'} = use_utf8 pack "V/a*", use_utf8 $s; for my $enc (qw( ?0 ?1 00 01 10 11 )) { ok($packed{$enc} eq $expected, "pack $test_name $enc"); } # print for my $enc (qw( ?0 ?1 00 01 10 11 )) { my $buf = ''; { open(my $fh, '>', \$buf); binmode $fh; # No mucking with crlf print $fh $packed{$enc}; } ok($buf eq $expected, "print $test_name $enc"); } } #### >c:\progs\perl588\bin\perl 1..28 # Perl 5.008008 ok 1 - length hibit 0 ok 2 - length hibit 1 ok 3 - pack hibit ?0 not ok 4 - pack hibit ?1 # Failed test 'pack hibit ?1' # at line 54. ok 5 - pack hibit 00 not ok 6 - pack hibit 01 # Failed test 'pack hibit 01' # at line 54. ok 7 - pack hibit 10 not ok 8 - pack hibit 11 # Failed test 'pack hibit 11' # at line 54. ok 9 - print hibit ?0 not ok 10 - print hibit ?1 # Failed test 'print hibit ?1' # at line 67. ok 11 - print hibit 00 not ok 12 - print hibit 01 # Failed test 'print hibit 01' # at line 67. ok 13 - print hibit 10 not ok 14 - print hibit 11 # Failed test 'print hibit 11' # at line 67. ok 15 - length long 0 ok 16 - length long 1 ok 17 - pack long ?0 ok 18 - pack long ?1 ok 19 - pack long 00 ok 20 - pack long 01 ok 21 - pack long 10 ok 22 - pack long 11 ok 23 - print long ?0 ok 24 - print long ?1 ok 25 - print long 00 ok 26 - print long 01 ok 27 - print long 10 ok 28 - print long 11 # Looks like you failed 6 tests of 28. #### >c:\progs\perl5100\bin\perl 1..28 # Perl 5.010000 ok 1 - length hibit 0 ok 2 - length hibit 1 ok 3 - pack hibit ?0 ok 4 - pack hibit ?1 ok 5 - pack hibit 00 ok 6 - pack hibit 01 ok 7 - pack hibit 10 ok 8 - pack hibit 11 ok 9 - print hibit ?0 ok 10 - print hibit ?1 ok 11 - print hibit 00 ok 12 - print hibit 01 ok 13 - print hibit 10 ok 14 - print hibit 11 ok 15 - length long 0 ok 16 - length long 1 ok 17 - pack long ?0 ok 18 - pack long ?1 ok 19 - pack long 00 ok 20 - pack long 01 ok 21 - pack long 10 ok 22 - pack long 11 ok 23 - print long ?0 ok 24 - print long ?1 ok 25 - print long 00 ok 26 - print long 01 ok 27 - print long 10 ok 28 - print long 11