1: The time is 1258377733.481062 1: The time is 1258377733.481164 1: The time is 1258377733.481337 1: The time is 1258377733.4 3: The time is 1258377733.473267 3: The time is 1258377733.473595 3: The time is 1258377733.473749 3: The time is 1258377733.473885 3: The time is 1258377733.474008 3: The time is 1258377733.474110 3: The time is 1258377733.474212 3: The time is 1258377733.474313 #### #! perl -slw use strict; use Time::HiRes qw[ time sleep ]; use threads; use threads::shared; our $THREADS ||= 4; my $sem :shared; open LOG, '>', 'log.txt' or die $!; sub logit { lock $sem; return printf LOG @_; } sub thread { my $tid = threads->self->tid; my $stop = shift; warn $tid, ": starting:", time(), " Stoptime: $stop\n"; while( time() < $stop ) { logit "%2d: The time is %f\n", $tid, time; } warn $tid, ": stopping at ", time(), "\n"; } my @threads = map threads->create( \&thread, time() + int( rand 10 ) ), 1 .. $THREADS; warn "threads started; waiting\n"; $_->join for @threads; warn "threads done\n"; open LOG, '<', 'log.txt' or die $!; print while ; close LOG;