sub get { my $self = shift; my $columns = ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? join(', ', @{ shift() }) : '*'; my $db_table = shift || croak "I really need to know DB/Table name"; my $field = @_ == 2 ? shift : 'id'; my $value = shift || croak "I really need key value"; my ($db, $table) = ($db_table =~ /^.+\..+$/) ? split(/\./, $db_table) : ($self->default_db(), $db_table); my $dbh = $self->dbh($db); my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached("SELECT $columns FROM $table WHERE $field = ?", undef, 2); $sth->execute($value); my $resp = $sth->rows() ? $sth->fetchrow_hashref() : undef; return $resp; } #### $object->get('tablename', 10); $object->get('dbname.tablename', 10); $object->get([qw/id foo bar/], 'tablename', 10); $object->get('tablename', 'key_field', 10); $object->get([qw/id foo bar/], 'dbname.tablename', 'key_field', 10); #### $object->get( fields => [qw/id foo bar/], database => 'dbname', table => 'tablename', key_field => 'key_field', key_value => 10, ); #### sub test1 { my $arg1 = shift; # but if you wanna print $arg2 then use '' instead of undef otherwise you get warning # and you do have use strict; use warnings; at the top right? :) my $arg2 = @_ >= 2 || ref $_[0] ne 'ARRAY' ? shift : undef; my $argrest = shift; print "arg1=$arg1, arg2=$arg2, argrest=@$argrest\n\n"; } test1('arg1', [qw/foo bar/]); test1('arg1', \@otherargs); test1('arg1', 'arg2'); test1('arg1', 'arg2', [qw/foo bar/]);