$geoTiff_delete_all = ; $zip_delete_all = ; #### cd /tmp touch foo1.foo foo2.foo foo3.foo perl -le '$f=<*.foo>; print "scalar: $f"; @f=<*.foo>; print "array: @f"' #### #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use POSIX; use Archive::Extract; $Archive::Extract::PREFER_BIN=1; my $basedir = '/work/locust1/swarmsdata/RasterData'; my $greendir = "$basedir/greening"; my $dekadalGet = "$greendir/dekadalGet.txt"; my $dekadalNotGet = "$greendir/dekadalNotGet.txt"; my $user = 'xxxx'; my $pass = 'xxxx'; my $timeStamp = strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime()); print "\n$timeStamp ****STARTING MODIS GREENING COLLECTION ROUTINE****\n\n"; for my $typ ( 'zip', 'tif' ) { print " -Checking dir for residual $typ file(s). \n"; my @delete_all = <$greendir/*.$typ>; if ( @delete_all ) { print " - $typ file(s) found purging directory. \n"; unlink @delete_all or die "$greendir/*.$typ - cannot be deleted."; print " -Purge complete.\n\n"; } else { print " -No $typ file(s) found.\n"; } } print " -Checking dir for residual dekadalNotGet file.\n"; if ( -e $dekadalNotGet ) { print " -dekadalNotGet file(s) found purging directory.\n"; unlink $dekadalNotGet or die "$dekadalNotGet - cannot be deleted."; print " -Purge complete.\n\n"; } else { print " -No $dekadalNotGet file found.\n"; } my ( $yr, $mo, $dy, $hr ) = ( $timeStamp =~ /(\d{4})-(\d\d)-(\d\d) (\d\d):/ ); if ( $hr eq '06' and $dy =~ /[012]1/ ) { open( my $fh, '>', $dekadalGet ) or die "$dekadalGet: $!\n"; print $fh "$yr$mo$dy\n"; close $fh; print " -Collection day confirmed: added '$yr$mo$dy' to collection file\n\n"; } print " **Starting dekadal collection procedure:**\n\n"; ...