SetTimer(ELAPSE, CALLBACK) The SetTimer() function starts an asynchronous timer, which invokes the CALLBACK every time ELAPSE milliseconds have expired. Calling SetTimer() with ELAPSE set to 0 stops the timer for this specific CALLBACK. If CALLBACK is omitted, it will default to Timer(). The ELAPSE parameter can also be specified in "hh:mm:ss.xxxx" format. Examples are: :15 => 15 seconds 1:30 => 1 hour, 30 minutes 4:30:15 => 4 hours, 30 minutes, 15 seconds 2.500 => 2 seconds, 500 milliseconds #### SetTimer ( 1800000, \&ip ) # 1800 seconds x 1000 for millisecs #or possibly SetTimer ( 0:30, \&ip);