$s =~ s/$_/$h{$_}/g for keys %h; #### abaugher@bannor> cat 989705.pl #!/usr/bin/env perl use Modern::Perl; use Benchmark qw(:all); use Regexp::Assemble; my %h = map { $_ => uc } ( 'aa' .. 'zz' ); my $s = `cat bigfile`; # 8MB file say "Testing with @{[-s 'bigfile']} byte file and @{[ scalar keys %h ]} patterns"; cmpthese( 10, { 'forloop' => \&forloop, 'pipes' => \&pipes, 'regexpa' => \®expa, }); sub forloop { $s =~ s/$_/$h{$_}/g for keys %h; } sub pipes { my $p = join '|', keys %h; $s =~ s/($p)/$h{$1}/g; } sub regexpa { my $p = Regexp::Assemble->new->add(keys %h)->re; $s =~ s/($p)/$h{$1}/g; } abaugher@bannor> perl 989705.pl Testing with 8560854 byte file and 676 patterns Rate forloop regexpa pipes forloop 9.75e-02/s -- -96% -99% regexpa 2.40/s 2364% -- -74% pipes 9.08/s 9213% 278% --