#! perl use strict; use warnings; my @selects = ("select 'text' from foo --This is a comment", "select '--Not a valid comment' from foo --But this is", "select '--This is not a valid comment' from foo", "select '--Not this' + '--either' from foo"); for my $select (@selects) { my ($comment) = $select =~ / ( -- [^']+ ) $ /x; print $comment, "\n" if $comment; } #### --This is a comment --But this is #### #! perl use strict; use warnings; my @selects = ("select 'text' from foo --This is a comment", "select '--Not a valid comment' from foo --But this is", "select '--This is not a valid comment' from foo", "select '--Not this' + '--either' from foo", "select stuff from that -- a 'useful comment' goes here?", "select 'qaws' + make from \"a\" -- comment with 'a' quote", "select 'a' from 'b' with 'c' -- comment with 'a --' comment"); for my $select (@selects) { my $stripped = $select =~ s/ ( ' .*? ' ) /'_' x length $1/egrx; if ($stripped =~ /--/) { my $i = length($select) - (index reverse($stripped), '--') - 2; print substr($select, $i), "\n"; } } #### --This is a comment --But this is -- a 'useful comment' goes here? -- comment with 'a' quote -- comment with 'a --' comment