use DBI; $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:ODBC:driver=microsoft access driver (*.mdb);' . "dbq=$db_path"); my $note = "Order"; $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO tblCustomer ( BranchID, LastName, FirstName, Street, Town, County, PostCode, PhoneNumber, Email, Note ) SELECT ? AS Expr1, ? AS Expr2, ? AS Expr3, ? AS Expr4, ? AS Expr5, ? AS Expr6, ? AS Expr7, ? AS Expr8, ? AS Expr9, ? AS Expr10; "); ## MSAccess is a piece of crap so you have to do this to fix anything inserted into ## a memo field ... $sth->bind_param( 10, $note, DBI::SQL_LONGVARCHAR ); $sth->execute( 'L1', $secondname, $firstname, $order->{addresses}->{delivery}->{street}, $order->{addresses}->{delivery}->{city}, $order->{addresses}->{delivery}->{county}, $order->{addresses}->{delivery}->{postcode}, $order->{phone}, $order->{email}, $note ) or die "Could not update DB!";