1 ./1/1/106/10627.pdf 2 ./1/1/107/10703.pdf Thread 2 terminated abnormally: *****Global symbol "@ISA" requires explicit pack age name (did you forget to declare "my @ISA"?) at C:/strawberry-perl- 2bit-PDL/perl/site/lib/Text/PDF/Filter.pm line 342. Global symbol "@basedict" requires explicit package name (did you forget to decl are "my @basedict"?) at C:/strawberry-perl- /PDF/Filter.pm line 343. Global symbol "@basedict" requires explicit package name (did you forget to decl are "my @basedict"?) at C:/strawberry-perl- /PDF/Filter.pm line 351. Global symbol "@basedict" requires explicit package name (did you forget to decl are "my @basedict"?) at C:/strawberry-perl- /PDF/Filter.pm line 374. Compilation failed in require at C:/strawberry-perl- /lib/CAM/PDF.pm line 5608. Thread 1 terminated abnormally: *****Global symbol "@ISA" requires explicit pack age name (did you forget to declare "my @ISA"?) at C:/strawberry-perl- 2bit-PDL/perl/site/lib/Text/PDF/Filter.pm line 342. Global symbol "@basedict" requires explicit package name (did you forget to decl are "my @basedict"?) at C:/strawberry-perl- /PDF/Filter.pm line 343. Global symbol "@basedict" requires explicit package name (did you forget to decl are "my @basedict"?) at C:/strawberry-perl- /PDF/Filter.pm line 351. Global symbol "@basedict" requires explicit package name (did you forget to decl are "my @basedict"?) at C:/strawberry-perl- /PDF/Filter.pm line 374. Compilation failed in require at C:/strawberry-perl- /lib/CAM/PDF.pm line 5608.