in reply to Re: Calling Windows Batch from Perl, double-quote appearing out of nowhere (insanity)
in thread Calling Windows Batch from Perl, double-quote appearing out of nowhere

Interesting point - this indeed explains (and it is also interesting that the quoting problem only shows up when we invoke the background version, but not the "normal" call to system).
It used to be that Perl's system() on Windows would trying running the command you gave directly first and would only resort to wrapping it in qq(cmd /c "...") if that failed. I think that, over the years, enough edge cases showed up that the details of this technique were changed in order to try to get more "expected behavior" in more cases.
Would this mean that in newer versions of Perl, the "foregroun" system() would show the same problem? I thought of using system() instead of system(1,...) and doing an explicit fork and exect, to avoid the quoting bug, but if newer Perl versions will consistently wrap the argument inside an extra invocation of cmd /c, the problem would reappear if I upgrade to a newer Perl :-(

Ronald Fischer <>