batrams has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi - I have two similar but different csv data files:

File A Field 0: Part Number Field 1: Description Field 2: Price

File B Field 0: Part Number Field 1: Description Field 2: New Part Number Field 3: Price

I read File A's data in using this code. I'm sure it can be done in other or more efficient ways but this works well for me:

################################# # reading data in from File A while ( <> ) { $csv->parse($_); push(@AoA, [$csv->fields]); } # load up the hash for my $i ( 0 .. $#AoA ) { $HoA{$AoA[$i][5]} = $AoA[$i]; } # end looping over rows #################################
I then read File B's data in a similar way:
################################# # reading data in from File B while ( <TEXTFILE> ) { $csv->parse($_); push(@H_USES, [$csv->fields]); } close(TEXTFILE); print "Done Loading USES Data\n"; # load up the hash for my $i ( 0 .. $#H_USES ) { $H_USES{$H_USES[$i][5]} = $H_USES[$i]; } # end looping over rows #################################
Now I want to append data from File B onto the the hash I made from File A. If the file structures were identical I could simply do this:
################################## # Add on File B's data for my $i ( 0 .. $#H_USES ) { $HoA{$H_USES[$i][5]} = $H_USES[$i]; } # end looping over rows ##################################
But of course they are not identical. I want to simply ignore or skip over Field 2 from File B. I'm having trouble cooking up how to do this, so I thought I'd ask the gurus here. Any ideas would be appreciated.