in reply to Not getting desire output by using switch statement in Perl

Although others have suggested using ord, I would have used a different approach by using Number::Latin.

The code below looks at a character and if its an alphabet (a-z), it will convert it to an integer (regardless of case) and print it. And it will print the string "Something else" if the character is not an alphabet character.

use strict; use warnings; use feature 'say'; use Number::Latin; my $string1 = 'abcdef ghijkl-mnopq,rstuv.wxyz'; my $string2 = uc($string1); say $string1; for my $char (split //,$string1) { if ($char =~ /[a-zA-Z]/) {say latin2int($char);} else {say "Something else"} } say $string2; for my $char (split //,$string2) { if ($char =~ /[a-zA-Z]/) {say latin2int($char);} else {say "Something else"} }