in reply to Calling a perl test script from visual studio?

What language are you using in Visual Studio?

For ProjectEuler Problem 11, I wrote a solution in C#, as well as Perl. Then I thought it would be interesting to use Perl to generate a n x n random number array for the C# program.

So, I browsed around and found an example to execute Perl from within C# code. It then stores the array in "data" for C# to process.

Maybe this might be something of use to you?

// confiure Perl number generator string perlCommand = @"C:\cygwin\bin\perl.exe"; // your Perl string perlScript = ""; // your script // how big of array ( default = 20 x 20 ) Console.Write("Enter desired array size [20]: "); string perlArg = Console.ReadLine(); int readInt; if ( !int.TryParse( perlArg, out readInt ) ) perlArg = "20"; // setup process info for script ProcessStartInfo perlStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(perlCommand); perlStartInfo.Arguments = perlScript + " " + perlArg; perlStartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; perlStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; // execute Perl number generator Process perl = new Process(); perl.StartInfo = perlStartInfo; perl.Start(); string data = perl.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); perl.WaitForExit(); perl.Close(); // display working array data Console.WriteLine("Using:\n{0}", data);