WoodyWeaver has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

pray help a poor wanderer with syntax

I am populating a table with some statistics, e.g.
$tables{$day}->{$state} = \[$deathsToday, $m, $double, $intercept, + $corr];
These are grouped in my mind as an array, so that's why I used the anonymous array above. So then it gets used later, viz
foreach my $point ( @${$tables{$day}->{$state}} ) { print $fh "\t", $point;
After time, I want to add a feature, for which I need to access just the first element. It seems like it should be something like ${$tables{$day}->{confirmed}}[0]; but that isn't right. dump $tables{$day} helpfully offers
{ confirmed => \[1, 0.334638642561918, 2, 0.873307778517249, 0.8539438 +57158699], deaths => \[], }
(This is a covid visualization thing.) I could of course convert that five element array to a hash (and actually, just because it comes back from a linear regression as an array doesn't mean it has to stay that way) but I'd like to understand the syntax. Pray, give insight to this lost soul?