Ohad has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi, I'm using perl/Tk. I've created a background process to run a cmd and I want the main process to continue working. This is fine and works, until I invoke an additional background process. Than the GUI is stuck until the first process is done.

This is the first background process:

open (my $st_in, "<&STDIN"); open (my $out, '>&', STDOUT); open (my $err, '>&', STDERR); open (STDOUT, "> /dev/null"); open (STDERR, "> /dev/null"); open (STDIN, "< /dev/null"); my $status = open ($reg_out,"$cmd 2>&1 |") or die "can't fork: $!" +; if ($status) #Parent { open (STDOUT, '>&', $out); open (STDERR, '>&', $err); open (STDIN, '<', $st_in); } else { exit; } $Reg_r{$regl_name}{$nn}{'OutP'} =$reg_out; $Reg_r{$regl_name}{$nn}{'PID'} = $status; $Reg_r{$regl_name}{$nn}{'JobId'} = 0; $Reg_r{$regl_name}{$nn}{'IsRun'} = 1; $Reg_r{$regl_name}{$nn}{'WasRuning'} = 0; $book->raise("Sheet 1") if ($re_run_csv); $Sbook->raise("$regl_name $nn"); $mw->fileevent($reg_out, 'readable', [\&fill_text_widget,$regl_nam +e,$nn]);

Second can be anything, a simple xterm

 system("xterm -e '$viewer $log' &")

Any idea how to solve it? So the main process will not be stuck? As you see in the code, I tried many options, exec/system/`,I tried closing STDs.. Could really use some advice here