bliako has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Dear Monks,

I have spent quite some time in trying to do a seemingly simple task with Inline::C, that of passing a reference to a function and the function modifying it so that caller gets results back. I don't want to use the return() mechanism, so my function looks like int func(SV *inp, SV *out); inp is a readonly ref and out is the ref I would like to write to.

I have 3 cases I would like to deal with:

  1. out is an arrayref, e.g. my @inp; my @out; func(\@inp, \@out); In this case I want to remove all elements of @out if any and then make it a 2D array of 5cols and 3rows, containing the number 42.

  2. out is a scalar, e.g. my @inp; my $out; func(\@inp, $out); In this case I want to make $out an arrayref and proceed to fill it as above, so that caller can dereference as my @out = @$out.

  3. out is a scalarref, e.g. my @inp; my $out; func(\@inp, \$out); In this case I want to find if its dereference, e.g. $out is a ref to any array or hash, or just a plain scalar. If it's a plain scalar I would like to make it an arrayref and proceed as above, so that caller can dereference as my @out = @$out.

Can anyone help me to fill any of the blanks in this advent calendar of perlguts?

Here is a test script testing each case.

use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Inline C => Config => BUILD_NOISY => 1, clean_after_build => 0, warnings => 10, ; use Inline C => <<'EOC'; #include <stdio.h> // checks if array is indeed an arrayref and sets array_sz to its size + and // returns 1 else returns 0 (not an array) int is_array_ref( SV *array, size_t *array_sz ){ if( ! SvROK(array) ){ fprintf(stderr, "is_array_ref() : warning, i +nput '%p' is not a reference.\n", array); return 0; } if( SvTYPE(SvRV(array)) != SVt_PVAV ){ fprintf(stderr, "is_array_r +ef() : warning, input ref '%p' is not an ARRAY reference.\n", array); + return 0; } // it's an array, cast it to AV to get its len via av_len(); // yes, av_len needs to be bumped up, it's $#array int asz = 1+av_len((AV *)SvRV(array)); if( asz < 0 ){ fprintf(stderr, "is_array_ref() : error, input arra +y ref '%p' has negative size!\n", array); return 0; } *array_sz = (size_t )asz; return 1; // success, it is an array and size returned by ref, abo +ve } int func( SV *inp, SV *out ){ AV *av, *av2; size_t i, j, asz; if( is_array_ref(out, &asz) ){ printf("Case1: @out\n"); // we have an \@R, e.g. func(\@R) av = (AV *)SvRV(out); // but first clear any contents if( asz > 0 ) av_clear(av); } else if( SvROK(out) ){ printf("Case3: \\$out\n"); // we have a scalar ref, e.g. func(\$x) av = newAV(); sv_setsv(SvRV(out), (SV *)av); } else { printf("Case2: $out\n"); // we have a scalar e.g func($x); av = newAV(); sv_setsv(out, (SV *)av); } // and fill it in for(i=0;i<5;i++){ av2 = newAV(); av_extend(av2, 3); av_push(av, (SV *)av2); for(j=0;j<3;j++){ av_store(av2, j, newSViv(42)); } } return 0; // success } EOC my @inp = (1..5); my @out; my $T = 'Case1'; is(func(\@inp, \@out),0, "$T: called success."); is(scalar(@out), 5, "$T: rows are 5"); for(my $i=0;$i<5;$i++){ ok(ref($out[$i])eq'ARRAY', "$T : item $i is ARRAYref."); is(scalar($out[$i]), 3, "$T : it has 3 elements."); for(my $j=0;$j<3;$j++){ is($out[$i]->[$j], 42, "$T : it's value is 42."); } } $T = 'Case2'; my $out; is(func(\@inp, $out),0, "$T: called success."); is(ref($out)eq'ARRAY', "$T: it is now an ARRAYref."); @out = @$out; is(scalar(@out), 5, "$T: rows are 5"); for(my $i=0;$i<5;$i++){ ok(ref($out[$i])eq'ARRAY', "$T : item $i is ARRAYref."); is(scalar($out[$i]), 3, "$T : it has 3 elements."); for(my $j=0;$j<3;$j++){ is($out[$i]->[$j], 42, "$T : it's value is 42."); } } $T = 'Case3'; $out = undef; is(func(\@inp, \$out),0, "$T: called success."); is(ref($out)eq'ARRAY', "$T: it is now an ARRAYref."); @out = @$out; is(scalar(@out), 5, "$T: rows are 5"); for(my $i=0;$i<5;$i++){ ok(ref($out[$i])eq'ARRAY', "$T : item $i is ARRAYref."); is(scalar($out[$i]), 3, "$T : it has 3 elements."); for(my $j=0;$j<3;$j++){ is($out[$i]->[$j], 42, "$T : it's value is 42."); } } done_testing();

thanks in advance, bw, bliako