in reply to Strawberry Perl Manual Install

The .bat Windows batch file will not run with \perl\bin\perl.exe. You'll need to run it by itself:


I've installed Strawberry from ZIP with no issues. However, I also did it with the MSI first. The issue you may face is by not using the MSI, your PATH won't be updated, your PATHEXT won't be updated, PL files won't be associated with perl and Windows won't be able to find your installation of Perl.

After my first MSI install, I move the c:\strawberry folder to c:\strawberry-5.min.version.ext where it reflects the Perl version and type (e.g., strawberry_5.18.1-MSWin32-x64-multi-thread). Then I use junction.exe or mklink command to create a junction from c:\strawberry to the actual directory. Now I can install the ZIP versions of any and all Perl's I want in similar c:\strawberry-5.min.version.ext directories and just change the junction and perl.exe and PATH are always found and accurate.

It's a sort of home grown 'perlbrew' for Windows.