brother ab has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Dear Monks!

You must have heard that format of .packlist files was changed from perl5.005 to perl5.6 - now it lists files without path. May be it is not bad. May be it is even good, I don't know what were reasons to change it.

But look at this spot of code:

use ExtUtils::Installed;
$inst = new ExtUtils::Installed;
@dirs = $inst->directories("Storable");
print "@dirs\n";

I want to know where is my Storable module was installed. What do you think I'll get? Dot! Only dot and nothing more.

Well, I'm not going to discuss ExtUtils::Installed. The question of mine is: how to find all installed module files (not .pm only, but man-files and executables and what-else-was-installed - all together)?


-- brother ab