in reply to Mojolicious fails to respect @INC
Somewhere, the wrong version of List::Util gets picked up. Maybe there is 1.38 somewhere in @INC and the 1.49 does not get picked up because file system permissions prohibit it.
I recommend trying a simpler approach by reducing the problem and eliminating Mojolicious and Moose and instead running a simple program to find out which file gets loaded and expanding from there until you locate the actual problem. Start out with something like:
#!perl -w use strict; use List::Util; use Data::Dumper; warn List::Util->VERSION; warn $INC{ "List/" }; warn Dumper \%INC; warn Dumper \@INC; warn "Perl $^W"; warn "Perl Version $]";
This should point you to the 1.38 version. If it outputs the 1.49 version, then something else updates @INC, or your code is run by a version of Perl that you did not install 1.49 into. Check and correct until you have found the difference between your program, your expectation and the Mojolicious program.
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Re: Mojolicious fails to respect @INC
by hesco (Deacon) on Jan 01, 2018 at 02:43 UTC |