in reply to Re: CGI: newlines, write exactly "\r\n" to end the headers, then turn off binmode
in thread CGI: newlines, write exactly "\r\n" to end the headers, then turn off binmode
$cgi->{POSTDATA} gives me inconsistent results depending on my server
Hmm, that isn't exactly how you spell $cgi->param('POSTDATA')
I'm sure both maintainer and erlang inets maintainers would be grateful for code that demonstrates these bugs , so they can fix them.
I'm experimenting with an Erlang inets httpd server. If you install Erlang, I can give you the code to start a server.
What version of erlang inets ? Surely even erlang inets httpd server have version numbers :)
When I create a cgi object after reading from STDIN, my curl request to my Erlang server for the cgi script hangs, then times out (but it does succeed on my apache server):
I'm fairly certain thats the version that tries to read from STDIN. So I would suggest checking docs for ->new and use the version of the call that doesn't try to read from STDIN
Why are you replying to your own nodes instead of hitting "reply" to the node you're quoting?
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Re^3: CGI: newlines, write exactly "\r\n" to end the headers, then turn off binmode
by 7stud (Deacon) on Mar 10, 2018 at 11:41 UTC |