in reply to HTTP PUT Request with separate values in csv

How does this statement

My result should be: I do nothing with Test1 (because it is already in System 2)

reconcile with your expected result ?

UPDATE need be done for

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Re^2: HTTP PUT Request with separate values in csv
by StayCalm (Novice) on May 17, 2018 at 07:26 UTC

    Was a mistake, I changed

      Consider dividing the task into 2 steps so that you can debug each independently. First identify the updates required and store them in arrays ;

      #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use LWP::UserAgent; use XML::Twig; use autodie; use Data::Dumper; my @filename = ('output1.csv', 'output2.csv'); my %file1 = () ; open my $fh, '<', $filename[0]; # using autodie while (<$fh>){ chomp; my ($name,$ip) = split /\s*,\s*/; $file1{$name} = $ip; } close $fh; #%file1 = ( # TEST_1 => '', # TEST_3 => '', # TEST_4 => '', # TEST_2 => '', #); my %file2 = () ; my %ip2name = (); open $fh, '<', $filename[1]; # using autodie while (<$fh>){ chomp; my ($id,$name,$ip) = split /\s*,\s*/; $file2{$name} = [$id,$ip]; $ip2name{$ip} = [$id,$name]; } close $fh; #%file2 = ( # TEST_1 => ['01',''], # TEST_3 => ['02',''], # TEST_5 => ['03',''], #); print Dumper \%file1,\%file2,\%ip2name; # determine updates and additions requires my @updateIP =(); my @updateName=(); my @add = (); foreach my $name (sort keys %file1) { my $ip1 = $file1{$name}; if ( not exists $file2{$name} ){ # check if ip exists if ( not exists $ip2name{$ip1} ){ print "ADD name : '$name' '$ip1'\n"; push @add,[undef,$name,$ip1]; } else { my $id2 = $ip2name{$ip1}[0]; my $name2 = $ip2name{$ip1}[1]; print "UPDATE NAME change id '$id2' name from '$name2' to '$nam +e'\n"; push @updateName,[$id2, $name, $ip1]; } next; } my $ip2 = $file2{$name}[1]; if ($ip1 eq $ip2) { print "MATCHED device '$name', '$ip1'\n"; } else { my $id2 = $file2{$name}[0]; print "UPDATE IP change '$name' id '$id2' ip from '$ip2' to '$ip1' + \n"; push @updateIP,[$id2,$name,$ip1]; } } print Dumper \@add,\@updateIP,\@updateName;

      When that is working add on implementing the changes

      # read XML template my $xml = XML::Twig->new->parse( \*DATA ); $xml->set_pretty_print('indented_a'); #Create a user agent object my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( ssl_opts=> { # SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_NONE, verify_hostname => 0,} ); # apply updates my $uri = "https://hostname:9060/ers/config/networkdevice/"; my $header = [ Accept => 'application/ +ml', Content_Type => 'application/ +.1.1+xml; charset=utf-8']; for (@updateIP){ my ($id,$name,$ip) = @$_; print "----- Updating $id, $name to $ip\n"; $xml->root->set_att('name', $name); $xml->get_xpath('//ipaddress',0)->set_text($ip); my $req = HTTP::Request->new('PUT', $uri.$id, $header, $xml->sprint) +; $req->authorization_basic("user", "user"); print $req->as_string; # testing #my $res = $ua->request($req); #if ($res->is_success) { # print $res->status_line, "\n"; #} else { # print $res->status_line, "\n"; #} print "-----\n" } __DATA__ <device name="example"> <ipaddress></ipaddress> </device>

      Note, I have only shown the ip updates, the additions and name changes you need to complete yourself

        Wow! Thanks!

        One more question
        I want to expand this Service with DELETE request
        In this case my output2.csv should have this look:

        output2.csv (id,name,description,ip) - Secondary System

        01,TEST_1,, 02,TEST_2,bla, 03,TEST_3,,

        output1.csv (name,ip) - Primary System
        TEST_1, TEST_6, TEST_5,

        I should check, if there is device in Secondary System, that absent in Primary System with out description.
        In my case thist is TEST_3
        I should delete such devices
        I've tried to do it with the previous example, but I do not know perl really good.....

        #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use LWP::UserAgent; use XML::Twig; use autodie; use Data::Dumper; my @filename = ('output1.csv', 'output2.csv'); my %file1 = () ; open my $fh, '<', $filename[0]; # using autodie while (<$fh>){ chomp; my ($name,$ip) = split /\s*,\s*/; $file1{$name} = $ip; } close $fh; my %file2 = () ; my %ip2name = (); open $fh, '<', $filename[1]; # using autodie while (<$fh>){ chomp; my ($id,$name,$description,$ip) = split /\s*,\s*/; $file2{$name} = [$id,$ip]; # $ip2name{$ip} = [$id,$name]; } close $fh; # determine updates and additions requires my @delete =(); foreach my $name (sort keys %file2) { my $ip1 = $file2{$name}; if ( not exists $file1{$name} ){ # check if ip exists if ( $description=null ){ my $id = $ip2name{$ip1}; print "DELETE name : '$name'\n"; push @delete,[$id,$name,$description,$ip] } } } my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( ssl_opts=> { # SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_NONE, verify_hostname => 0,} ); for (@delete){ my ($id,$name,$description,$ip1) = @$_; my $uri="https://hostname:9060/ers/config/networkdevice/$id"; my $req = HTTP::Request->new('DELETE', $uri, [Accept=>'application/ ++xml', Content_Type=>'application/ +e.1.1+xml; charset=utf-8']); $req->authorization_basic("user", "user"); print $req->as_string; # testing my $res = $ua->request($req); if ($res->is_success) { print $res->status_line, "\n"; } else { print $res->status_line, "\n"; } } }

        There is no Problem this the Server, when I'm doing multiply DELETE separately
        I think my promlem is here:

        foreach my $name (sort keys %file2) { my $ip1 = $file2{$name}; if ( not exists $file1{$name} ){ # check if ip exists if ($description=null){ my $id = $ip2name{$ip1}; print "DELETE name : '$name'\n"; push @delete,[$id,$name,$description,$ip] } }