An internet search didn't show up an example of inserting data into a PostgreSQL array (quite a few for retrieving data, though), so I thought I'd post this here.

Given a table:
create table my_table( id serial, description varchar(255), associated_str_data varchar(255)[], associated_int_data integer[]);
just using arrayrefs for data supplied to the placeholders does the job:
my $desc = "A description"; my @assoc_str_data = ("string 1", "string 2"); my @assoc_int_data = (1,2,3); $dbh->do("insert into my_table(description, associated_str_data, assoc +iated_int_data) values (?,?,?)", undef, $desc, \@assoc_str_data, \@assoc_int_data);

Checking the result in psql shows the data inserted OK:

# select * from my_table; id | description | associated_str_data | associated_int_data ----+---------------+-------------------------+--------------------- 2 | A description | {"string 1","string 2"} | {1,2,3} (1 row)
