in reply to Re^2: How to match last character of string, even if it happens to be a newline?
in thread How to match last character of string, even if it happens to be a newline?

$text_1 = "abc\nd";
$text_1 =~ m/.*(.|\n)/;
Should print d

A narration of  m/.*(.|\n)/ might be:

  1. .* From the start of the string, grab as much as possible of anything that's not a newline (no /s modifier for dot);
  2. (.|\n) Then match and capture the first thing that's either not-a-newline or a newline.
Looked at this way, the only thing that could possibly be captured in the given string would be a newline.

Indeed, if your regex has no operator introduced after Perl version 5.6, this kind of narration is what YAPE::Regex::Explain will give you:

c:\@Work\Perl\monks>perl -wMstrict -le "use YAPE::Regex::Explain; print YAPE::Regex::Explain->new(qr/.*(.|\n)/)->explain(); " The regular expression: (?-imsx:.*(.|\n)) matches as follows: NODE EXPLANATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (?-imsx: group, but do not capture (case-sensitive) (with ^ and $ matching normally) (with . not matching \n) (matching whitespace and # normally): ---------------------------------------------------------------------- .* any character except \n (0 or more times (matching the most amount possible)) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ( group and capture to \1: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- . any character except \n ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | OR ---------------------------------------------------------------------- \n '\n' (newline) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ) end of \1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ) end of grouping ----------------------------------------------------------------------
(There are newer and better regex parser/explainers around, but I like this one, limited as it is, for its explanatory style.)

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