Dear Perlmonks,

Please suggest me appropriate if this is not the right place to post this.

I just realized that I probably spend more time on computer than I should.

I would like to know how much you work with computer in tirms of hours/day or hours/week. May be it desiging, coding or searching for the stuff on Internet, marking your online calender or reading/writing or deleting your emails or online shopping or news reading or looking for something completely new.

I was reading about Donald Knuth (Author of Art of Programming), and was interesting to read that he stopped to have an email address since 1990 (yep, Ninety) and preferes snail mail compare to email. And that also he replies at every 3 months.
I am not suggesting that it is possible for all of us to do the same, understanding that the environment we are in, but the point should be well noted.

Applying proper thinking and design tactics, It may be possible to that we need to spend less time in actual coding or searching what we are looking for.
How much time you think is worth spending with your computer as per you think now. and what are the means to achieve efficiency you have adopted ?

point of view
an artist.