einerwitzen has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:
i am passing variables through a URL forward (yea i know but i gotta) but some of them have a space in the variable content and anything after the first space isn't being handled in the recieving script.
http://www.adomane.com?var=yes&var2=yes and no&var3=okay
if i then put in the recieveing script
anything will help!
http://www.adomane.com?var=yes&var2=yes and no&var3=okay
if i then put in the recieveing script
it comes out like this:print "$var <br>"; print "$var2 <br>"; print "$var3 <br>";
after the first space nothing works! Is this normal, how can i get this to work?yes yes
anything will help!
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