As we all know, this site holds old 5.0 perldocs. Perldocs on this site are handier than linking directly to perldoc with the perldoc:// tag, because that is a lot of typing.

After some ranting about this, crazyinsomniac told me that there has been discussion and the decision was that this site would never get a documentation update. That's a shame.

If it is not going to be updated, it needs to be removed. We are now giving people bad advice by refering them to old documentation. That is not a nice thing to do.

I suggest that we remove all documentation and link to instead. While you're at it, add documentation for all releases. I'm thinking of something like this:


Perl documentation is no longer maintained on this site. Please refer to one of the documents below:

It shouldn't be hard to implement.

We're Perl Hackers. We can parse html, we know how to link. There is, in my view, no excuse to not do this. I have no idea how Everything works, but I'm sure the possibility of updating nodes automatically does exist, somehow.

crazyinsomniac said I had to have convincing code to support my plead. I don't know if the following is convincing, but it should ease the automatic node updates:

use HTML::TreeBuilder; use LWP::Simple; use Data::Dumper; print Dumper( do { my %pod; push @{ $pod{ substr $_->[1], 4, -5 } }, "$ +_->[0]/$_->[1]" for map { my $v = $_; map { [ $v, $_->attr('href') ], } HTML::TreeBuilder -> new -> parse( get "$v/pod.html" ) -> look_down( _tag => 'a', sub { shift->attr('href') =~ /^pod/ } ) } reverse sort map { $_->attr('value') } HTML::TreeBuilder -> new -> parse( get '' ) -> look_down( name => 'version' ) -> content_list; \%pod; } );

Please make this site a bit more useable.

- Yes, I reinvent wheels.
- Spam: Visit eurotraQ.