in reply to Read a line with max length ?

perldoc -f sysread

read in your data a piece at a time using sysread, then use index to look for your line breaks so you can split the raw data into lines.

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Re(2): Read a line with max length ?
by FoxtrotUniform (Prior) on Feb 27, 2003 at 03:27 UTC

    From the Camel (3rd edition), p. 810:

    You should be prepared to handle the problems (like interrupted syscalls) that standard I/O normally handles for you. Because it bypasses standard I/O, do not mix sysread with other kinds of reads, print, printf, write, seek, tell, or eof on the same filehandle unless you are into heavy wizardry (and/or pain).

    Why sysread over read?

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