in reply to A Hacktress' First Attempt

SarahM++ for a fun obfuscation! You had me going in circles for a few minutes... I felt like I was chasing my tail!

Deobfuscation follows:
First we strip out all the comments being careful to remove *only* the comments. That leaves us with:
sub p () { use constant P=>' )'; use constant Q=>'* '; substr(P,1,1); } sub q () { eval join '', split /./, s//rxlgcdjqfvbpsohduwyvcmbjdxopd/ & map { tr/[a..z]/[z..a]/ . P | Q } split //; } $, = p; print q; #Just Another Perl Hacktress ;^P
That last line fooled you didn't it?

The q subroutine is only there to confuse you and is not used at all. So we strip it out leaving us with:
sub p () { use constant P=>' )'; use constant Q=>'* '; substr(P,1,1); } $, = p; print q; #Just Another Perl Hacktress ;^P
"What is she up to?", you ask?
$, (output field seperator) is set to the return value of the p subroutine (a space) but the real purpose of the p subroutine is to set the value of the P constant to the string ' )'. $, is not even used so let's strip it down again.
use constant P => ' )'; print q; #Just Another Perl Hacktress ;^P
This can be rewritten as:
 print ' #Just Another Perl Hacktress '^' )'

A space XORed with a space yields a null (\000). A number sign (#) XORed with a ) yields a newline (\n).
The output is '\000\nJust Another Perl Hacktress '.

Fixed typo. Thanks LAI!