in reply to Vim for Perl developers

I could not focus on the article as the screenshots are/were in rather small and fuzzy font w/ low constrast in background and foreground.

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Re: Re: Vim for Perl developers
by TVSET (Chaplain) on May 13, 2003 at 23:19 UTC
    I could not focus on the article as the screenshots are/were in rather small and fuzzy font w/ low constrast in background and foreground.

    Sorry, man. Originally, screenshots were about twice as big, but most of the people who did the preview of the draft suggested that they were too large.

    Anyway, I hope the article helped you to configure your Vim to behave in the similar way, so that you can enjoy bigger screens on your personal monitor now. :)

    And thanks for feedback...

    Leonid Mamtchenkov aka TVSET