in reply to Logic trouble parsing a formatted text file into hashes of hashes (of hashes, etc.)

This is a tricky question, especially because some of the parenthisized entries in the input contain only a word, some both a word and :foo(...) pairs, some only :foo(...) pairs, so it's not obvious what data structure to use.

Here's my guess for interpreting it (you might want to tidy it a bit of course, like changing what's allowed in words and what's not, or adding my vars).

use Data::Dumper; $s = \%p; @s = (); while (<>) { while (/\G\s*(?:([-\ +w.]+)|:([-\w.]+)\s*\(|(\)))/gc) { if (defined($1)) { defined($$s{""}) + and die "parse error: two"; $$s{""} = $1; } elsif (defined($2)) { pu +sh @s, $s; $s = $$s{$2} = {}; } elsif (defined($3)) { @s or die "pars +e error: close"; $s = pop @s; } } /(\S.*)/g and die "parse error: jun +k: $1"; } $! and die "read error"; $s == \%p or die "parse error: ope +n"; print Dumper(\%p);

Update 2006 jun 2: this works for the examples in the node only, not the full example int appears.