in reply to Post Election Day Perl

A couple minor assumptions: lynx is in your path, sendmail is in your path, you only need to know who's on top and by how much. Why ass-u-me? lynx's dump is much easier to parse than the source of the page.

This version without use strict; or any errorchecking weighs in at 469 in the long form, and 429 in the most condensed form:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w open I,"lynx -dump +tml|"; while(<I>) { @j = split; if($j[1]) {$j[1] =~ s/,//g;} if (/Bush/) { $b = $j[1];} elsif (/Gore/) { $g = $j[1];} } close I; open O, ">out"; $d = abs($b-$g); if ($b == $g) {$r="tied!\n";} $b < $g ? $r="Gore: $d\n" : $r="Bush: $d\n"; print O "$r"; close O; open F,"mfile"; $m = <F>; close F; open(M,"|sendmail -t"); print M <<E; Subject: results Cc: $m $r E close M; exit;
This one has both use strict; and error checking (though it does still make the above assumptions). It comes in at 612 bytes (according to wc). When I gutted the whitespace, it crawled in at 561 bytes.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; my $b; my $g; my $r; die "lynx failed\n" unless open I,"lynx -dump +ION/2000/r esults/FL/index.html|"; while(<I>) { my @j = split; if($j[1]) {$j[1] =~ s/,//g;} if (/Bush/) { $b = $j[1];} elsif (/Gore/) { $g = $j[1];} } close I; open O, ">log" or die "log failed\n"; my $d = abs($b-$g); if ($b == $g) {$r="tied!\n";} $b < $g ? $r="Gore: $d\n" : $r="Bush: $d\n"; print O "$r"; close O; open F,"mfile" or die "no mailfile\n"; my $m = <F>; close F; open(M,"|sendmail -t") or die "couldn't sendmail\n"; print M <<E; Subject: results Cc: $m $r E close M; exit;
And for sheer showing-off-ness, this is that shortest chunk:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w open I,"lynx -dump +tml|";while(<I>){@j=split;if($j[1]){$j[1]=~s/,//g;} if(/Bush/){$b=$j[ +1];} elsif(/Gore/){$g=$j[1];}} close I;open O,">log";$d=abs($b-$g);if +($b==$g){$r="tied!\n";} $b<$g ? $r="Gore: $d\n" : $r="Bush: $d\n";pri +nt O "$r";close O;open F,"mfile";$m=<F>;close F;open M,"|sendmail -t" +;print M <<E; Subject: results Cc: $m $r E close M; exit
Heck, even if I don't win a tshirt, I'm pretty damn happy with getting this to work at ALL!