The basic base-26 conversion doesn't work right immediately (you get ...Y,AZ,AA,AB...), but a well placed decrement fixes it
sub ConvertToAlpha { my $self = shift; my $inNumber = shift; my @output = (); while ($inNumber > 0) { unshift(@output, ($inNumber % 26)); my $shouldDecrement = ($inNumber %26 == 0); use integer; $inNumber = $inNumber / 26; if ($shouldDecrement) { $inNumber--; } } # @output-1 since we won't ever need to change the last digit my %toAlpha = ( 1=>'A', 2=>'B', 3=>'C', 4=>'D', 5=>'E', 6=>'F', 7=>'G', 8=>'H', 9=>'I', 10=>'J', 11=>'K', 12=>'L', 13=>'M', 14=>'N', 15=>'O', 16=>'P', 17=>'Q', 18=>'R', 19=>'S', 20=>'T', 21=>'U', 22=>'V', 23=>'W', 24=>'X', 25=>'Y', 0=>'Z'); foreach (@output) { $_=$toAlpha{$_}; } join("",@output); }