in reply to PerlMonks Commandments (was: Seven Deadly Sins)

I disagree with number 3

Thou shalt not re-invent the wheel. Your Gods have blessed upon thee their Modules, and have declared these Modules fair and complete.

While it's important to recognize the use of modules and point out their availability, there should not be a set-in-stone rule to have to use modules. I've personally written my own modules because either a) the given module loaded too many damned dependencies or b) the given module's implementation was too inefficient and the author was a prick, not wanting to recognize that his implementation was faulty.

Frankly, I'd rather see a requirement that if you're re-inventing the wheel, you explicitly state it and give the reason ("module requires dependency module X which doesn't run on my perl 5.003 system") and then go on with the question.

Actually, what I'd really rather see is not such an elitist requirment in the first place. Not all modules are great implementations. The one thing about the real Commandments is that while the may codify the (then) existing social standards, they never came off as sounding elitist or snooty.

But that's just me.