chennaiite has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi Monks,
I need to connect a Informix database server in windows.I downloaded DBD::Informix from cpan...
But it is not installing,giving error of cannot locate ppd file..
Also i can't find the ppd file....
Is there any other way to connect the informix server,can i use ODBC.... If so please provide the code if you know anybody....Since i am very new to informix.... Is this is correct way to connect.please confirm....
use DBI; $host="localhost"; $base="India_C"; $dbpath = "DBI:Informix:database=$base;host=$host"; $dbh = DBI->connect($dbpath, "", "") or die "Can't open database DB +I::errstr"; print "Successful Informix DB Connection";
Thanks in advance for your reply..........