User since: Jan 10, 2006 at 11:49 UTC (18 years ago)
Last here: Jun 01, 2011 at 20:23 UTC (13 years ago)
Experience: 705
Level:Pilgrim (8)
Writeups: 24
Location:Oxford UK
User's localtime: Apr 18, 2024 at 14:02 UTC
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For this user:Search nodes

Some threads/nodes (mostly recent ones) I've learnt a lot from:

And other useful nodes:

I think Perl ruined me as a programmer is fun. In this excellent discussion there's a digression to the tune of "The $ symbols in BASIC were what made us smile on Perl when it came along.."

This is rather funny, I thought. Why is it so funny? Well because I've been through a small portion of what he talks about with XS and Inline (used Swig once as well but never 'in anger'). The more suffering you've done the funnier you might find this. And there are many who've suffered far greater agonies than I.